
My 3 year old its terrified of any sort of machinery noise!?

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He is petrified to the point of distraction of the hoover (vacuum cleaner), any sort of buzzing noise, even vibrate on a mobile phone, drills, the electric shower, my hair dryer, the fan heater, the blender and the latest one is if I start up the car whilst any of the doors are open he completely loses the plat and freaks out.

It is affecting all areas of his life to the extreme. In my mothers house, if he even catches a glimpse of the hoover or if anybody even stands by it he will scream and cry in fear. If my husband is having a shower he will refuse to use the toilet even if he is bursting which results in an accident. I dont understand the problem.

Last year when the sun was shining he would refuse to play in the back garden for the fear of a plane going over head, he was completely traumatised. It was when we actually brought him on a plane he got over that one. He is less scared but still hesitant.

We had his ears tested as a result and they are perfect including his eardrums and sensitivity level. The audiologist said that it is behaviour. How do we even begin to deal with this. He is wary and fearful in ALL new surroundings as he is always waiting for a noise to pop up out of somewhere!!





  1. He may have some sensory problems - this is often seen in autism but sensory problems can occur without being autistic too. I would look into that.

    Good luck

  2. Don't worry is the best, try not to act when he gets scared, a lot of reasuurance might help

    My baby does not like me making a moo noise like a cow

  3. I have a 1 and 3 year old who love loud noise mowers truck's any thing loud, ask him to help you cook, give him a plastic spood or spatula on the floor and a tupper wear bowl . mine use metal to make it louder. let him make the noise himself , stirring and beating on it. mine use these as drums and sometimes it gets so loud you can't think!

  4. Perhaps you should take him to see a child psychologist for therapy/evaluation to help him get over his fear of noises. In the meantime have you considered giving him some earplugs and ear defenders to wear so he can't hear the noises that bother him so much?  

  5. It is very possible that he has autism.  I worked for a lady whose son was diagnosed with autism around the same age as your son.  He was the same way with loud noises, but also had other symptoms like only wanting bland foods, etc.  She had told me that the doctors said that autistic children can't handle any extra stimulation, so you might want to get him checked out for that.

    Best of luck!

  6. Have you had him tested for autism?

  7. my son was the same way he could not bee in the same room when i would vacuum or when his dad  start his truck  my son would just flip  and all i did was  tell him that its ok and have him play some were he could not see what was making the sound and i would tell him what i was doing before i did it so he would not cry  he grow out of it but i think its just 3yr old thing

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