
My 3 year old keeps having potty accidents, it is growth?

by Guest58653  |  earlier

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My daughter has been potty trained for quite awhile now but over the past week she keeps having potty accidents and wetting her pants at home but not out in public. Last night she wet the bed for the first time in 6 months and today she had two wetting accidents in less than an hour. I'm just wondering if this might be a sign of growth spurt? or should I be more concerned. She starts preschool next week and I'm a little woried about this. I never experienced this with my older child




  1. It's normal. Is she stressed about something, or has something recently changed?

    Have you asked her why she isn't using the potty? Like, if she's forgetting, or she couldn't hold it, etc?

    My three year old had a regression like that a couple weeks ago. I think it was caused by stress (she had started taking ballet and art classes), and she was forgetting to go. But then one time she put down her bath towel and peed on it after she got out of the shower, totally intentionally. So I have no idea what was going on. I think it was just partially experimentation. But she stopped after a week or so.

    Just remind her to use the potty, and reward her. Let her handwash her panties and help clean up.  

  2. Is she excited about preschool or scared? Somtimes kids do have accidents, I doubt it's medical but more psychological.  

  3. If she has been potty trained up until now I think it may be a medical reason.  It wouldn't hurt to get a urine catch on her and have it tested for a UTI.  You just get a hat and set it on a toilet, and the pour then urine into a specimen cup.  They'll give you the stuff if your child won't pee at the doctors.

  4. hun you answered ur own question






  5. First you might wait it out a week or so and see how it goes. Something in her life may be different and that can throw a little one off. My 3 year old who had been potty trained since he was 2 did this every time we changed day cares. He simply got to caught up in whatever he was doing to notice he had to go until he had already gone. During the night I had to cut my son off from juice and water about 2 hours before bed because he will still wet the bed if his bladder gets to full or if he has coughing fits for any reason. If it does not go away on it's own in a week or so then I'd call her pediatrician because you ARE right she may have a bladder infection or a UTI. You may try to ask her if it hurts when she goes potty to.

  6. there could be a number of factors like that a lot of three year olds do sometimes still have accidents. Sometimes they get so caught up in things that they don't want to miss a thing by going to the bathroom. It could also be an attention thing. If she is only doing it at home, then things might be all right at school. and if not, it's ok, she's three and prone to accidents.  

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