
My 3 year old keeps saying that he's a baby?

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He uses this as an excuse not to get rid of his binky, not to sleep in his own bed, and not to go potty. Whenever I tell him that he's a big boy and that big boys sleep in their bed, and don't use binky's, and go potty in the toilet he says, "but mama, I'm a baby." I've tried everything including taking his big boy toys away, but it just doesn't work. How do I get him to grow up and stop the baby behaviors?




  1. Show him a real  "baby". If any friends have a newborn, show that baby to him. Explain how much bigger he is.

    Also, it's an age thing. They tend to do that at this age. They want to be grown up at times, but most of the time, they realize that being treated as a baby is the good life.

    For my son, I put a chart on the door of his bedroom. We made a little calendar, 5 days long.  For every night he slept in his bed, we marked an X on the calendar. On the 6th day, he got to go to Toysrus.  ....and we never looked back,.

  2. i think yu should just igonr the behavouir drawing attetion to it will just make him play up to it also is he in pre school or nursery chidren learn more from their peers so maybe more time at preschool toddler groups and inviting friends round with toddlers and when he does use the "but mum i a baby" you can say welll tom (whoever his friend is ) dosent do that as he is a big boy and then leave it at that and move on he will grow out of it in time just be patient and enjoy the time while he is young dont rush him to grow up children grow up too fast as it is

  3. he'll grow out of it in his own timing. just keep reinforcing to him that he IS a big boy & most of all: be patient with him.

  4. treat him as a baby. it'll work like reverse psychology. i used it on my brother.

  5. Just reviewing what others have written, I think you should combine some techniques.

    * Big thing: stop the binkie.  Snip the end of the binkie and it will stop providing the sucking that he wants and won't be desirable to him.*

    Then, don't allow him to do things.  Babies eat, sleep, and p**p. This MAY really take some dedication, depending on how stubborn your 3 yr old is, so be prepared to back it up and do it if you plan to follow the advice.  For 2-3 days you may have to tell him no, he can't play with this, he can't go here, he can't eat this, because babies don't get those things, only big boys.

    Sometimes I catch myself refering to my almost 3 yr old as, "My little baby."  It's hard to break the habit.  And he calls himself "Baby" at times and doesn't refer to himself with his name.  I have to remember not to slip up and call him baby.  Try calling him by name and using big boy with it, for example, "Bigboy [Name], come help me pick up toys."

    Include him with your activities and cleaning up around the house.  Instruct him by saying "come do this," versus "can you help me do this."  That way it's a direct command and not a yes/no option.  Then praise him by saying, "Yeah! You're Mama's Big Boy, you're such a great helper!" or something on that line.

    Hope this helps

  6. babies dont play on the swings

    babies dont have paddling pools

    babies dont go to the farm

    babies dont eat biscuits

    babies dont watch tv/dvd

    babies sleep in a crib

    babies have to sleep in the day

    anything he wants to do, babies dont do that

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