
My 3 year old shih tzu poddle mix has become quite the athlete?

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we meet our friends with 3 sometimes 6 other small breed dogs,,my dog is obsessed with a tennis ball she will not let it go and gets the other dogs to chase after her..they have a lot of fun together with my dog being the fastest ever even faster than the bigger dogs! she can cut and dodge like no other,,,my long is too long ?tonight they ran around about an hour and a half when we returned home she was still breathing heavy a hour later.... I'm concered that was too much for her... she loved it as did the other dogs chasing after her..should I cut the time down..oh and she keeps the ball in her mouth the entire time which I question that as well,,,maybe I'm being over concerned...thanks for your replys Linda




  1. that's real cute

    i don't think it's anything to worry about as long as it's not EVERY day

  2. Sounds like she had a good time.  She maybe less energetic tomorrow.  Tennis balls can cause abnormal wear on the teeth so it's best that she not carry one all the time.  You might want to get her a hard rubber ball or a kong and use the tennis ball for playtime.  The panting is quite normal after heavy activity as this is the way that dog cool themselves.

  3. If you are concerned, pls take her to vet for exam/check up, and tell him/her of your concerns and listen to what he/she has to say.  Pls insure dog has water available at all times during these play sessions and if weather is hot/humid, make dogs take a 15 min rest.

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