
My 3 year old son can unbuckle his car seat. Is there a child restraint that is childproof?

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My 3 year old son can unbuckle his car seat. Is there a child restraint that is childproof?




  1. there is a cover you can buy that covers the latch, its much harder to undo. also slap his hands and tell him no! until he learns. thats parenting.

  2. I recommend duct tape. On the 3 year old.

  3. no, I just spoke to the safety first people about this with my 2 year old. They said it was a mental development that kids just figure these things out. They told me to just be firm and reinforce that he not do it. Loads of fun going down the hwy to see in the mirror, my son coming to visit me while I'm driving!

    This was my first child to do this! Maybe they have made carseats too easy for people these days

  4. I sorry that I cant remember what it was called but try on ebay because they have a devise that will take care of this.

  5. It's time your child learns that when YOU say "don't DO that" you mean EXACTLY that, and there will be consequences for disobeying. (it worked for ME)

    Just like learning not to touch a hot stove, children not only NEED to learn to obey, they actually WANT to be taught to obey. Of course they aren't going to tell you that.

  6. You need to explain to your child that he can't do that, kinda like explaining that the stove is hot. If all else fails, let him unbuckle in a parking lot, get up to about 15 to 20mph and slam on the brakes. He'll get the idea and he will stop doing it. Don't worry, kids are very durable.

  7. read and reread campma

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