
My 3 year old was bit by a horsefly and is now terrified of ALL bugs! What can I do to help her not be afraid

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She screams bloody murder every time a fly, bee, mosquito, ant, beetle, spider or anything, gets near! We're thinking of getting an ant farm or a little terrarium so she can see them up close. It was suggested she watch something like 'A Bug's Life', didn't work. Ironically, one of her favorite shows is 'Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends' on Noggin. So far, all the bug spray and explaining isn't working!




  1. I would not get the ant farm yet--see all those bugs crawling around could freak her out more!  My daughter was stung by a bee 2 years ago (age 5 at the time) and has been freaked by bees since but getting better about it gradually.  We just remain calm about it and continue to reinforce the bee does not want to hurt her as long as she doesn't scare it.  We also talk about how the bees help our flowers to bloom so pretty.  Books are a good resource.  We have a set from Scholastic called "Life Cycle" and it contains one about ladybugs that she liked.  Good luck and be patient, hopefully she'll be less afraid.

  2. try finding a lightening bug or a lady bug and put it in a jar. let her watch it. then take it out and hold it and try to get her to hold it. good luck

  3. I know it would be hard to hold a 3 year old's attention, but I'd think a child-oriented documentary about insects would be good. There are children's books out there about bugs, too. I think this is something a lot of kids go through and they just outgrow it.

    I don't know how long it's been going on, but one day soon she'll probably forget about it and not notice them in that way.

  4. Do you have a natural history museum anywhere that she could go to and see that the bugs are not going to hurt her? Alternately, the lightning bug or a lady bug that she can hold are good idea. Kids love pill bugs, too.

    Good luck!

  5. hold ants,potato bugs etc in your hand DON"T make her hold them be consistent and maybe she will get over her fear maybe not.  there are worse fears she could have.

  6. Same thing happened to my son. He was stung by a bee and was scared for months. Everything that flew he was afraid of. Don't worry it will pass. It might take some time but the fear will eventually go away. Good luck and try not to stress about it.  

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