
My 3 years old grand daughter just wants hotdogs for her lunch box. Would these make her sick.?

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She wouldn't touch her other lunch viands and brings them home as it is. How do I convince her to try other meals ? She is so picky.




  1. Yes. There was a study done that proved that kids who eat something like more than 9 hot dogs a month were more prone to childhood cancers.

    Pack other lunches. If she doesn't want to eat them, fine, but don't give in. Eventually, she'll realize you've put your foot down. She'll get hungry and try something else.

  2. It is quite normal and very common for children, especially in the toddler/preschool years to develop some food favorites and refuse everything else for weeks on end.  While hot dogs aren't the healthiest of food choices they can be incorporated in a lunch box once in a while, perhaps once a week.  If she eats them cold (I find it a bit unsavory, but most of the kids I know don't mind cold hot dogs - If you precook them until steamed through and then put them back in the refrigerator when cool the risk of listeria is eliminated) then you can put them in her lunch box with a cold pack to keep them cold.  If she likes them warm, you can heat them up in the morning and put them in a thermos or similar container designed to keep things hot.  We have several different ones at our house since my youngest daughter has never much cared for bread and won't eat a sandwich.  So, she gets soup, leftover casserole from the previous night's meal, or sometimes macaroni and cheese.  Does she eat her hot dogs in a bun or does she like them cut up?  A hot dog in a bun is a bit harder to pull off since most of the thermos containers aren't that tall, but if she likes them cut, they'll fit nicely.  Try to make the other items to go with the hot dog as healthy as possible and in a condition that she will eat them.  For instance, a 3 year old will not likely eat a whole apple, but if you cut it into slices and put lemon juice on the cut sides to prevent browning she may eat a 1/4 apple that way.  Maybe she will dip her apples into yogurt.  You will not likely convince her to eat anything else right now, but if you continue to offer her a variety she will eventually try something else.  Sometimes children can go through a phase where they seem to eat only a bite here or there and you wonder how they are getting enough to eat.  Picky eaters are sometimes inadvertently made by the people who love the children most.  In an effort to get a child to eat something, parents sometimes go into short-order cook mode and offer choice after choice until either they give up or the child finally eats something.  When it comes to feeding children, it works best to plan and prepare a healthy meal or snack then offer it to the child.  From there on out it becomes the child's choice to eat or not eat and how much to eat.  If they don't eat what you offer, don't fuss about it, just say something that validates their choice such as, "I see you aren't hungry right now.  That's OK.  We will have snack time in 2 hours."  If the child gets down from the table without eating and then wants something to eat 15 minutes later, you stick to your guns and say, "I understand you are hungry, but snack time isn't until 3:00, would you like what you didn't eat at lunch time?"  Let them choose to wait or eat their uneaten lunch.  If you pack her a healthy lunch and she doesn't eat any of it then she should be hungry for either a healthy snack or dinner when she gets home.  If hot dogs are truly her only food of choice then take comfort in knowing that it is just one of those odd food phases that kids go through.  It may last for weeks or even months, but eventually she will tire of them and move on.  In the meantime, continue to prepare and offer her other choices, but don't fuss over whether she eats them or not.

  3. yes they will make her sick  kids wont starve themselves to death just keep packing good food and she will come around

  4. when she gets hungry enough she will eat what you offer her. Just keep offering healthy choices and she will eventually come around. That's why kids these days act the way they do. Because they are spoiled and get whatever they want..........stick to your guns and if u think it's bad at 3 if u give in think of how she'll be at 13. Good Luck & God Bless!

  5. Don't give in. YES, cold hot dogs can carry listeria and they need to be heated. They are not healthy. Tell her that she needs to try other foods or you will not buy her hot dogs anymore. If she is hungry enough she will eat. If she comes home with her lunch box full tell her she can't have anything else until she eats what you have packed for her. You need to be firm with a picky eater or she will treat you like a short order cook.

  6. Hot dogs are not safe lunchbox food.  Give her an apple and some buttered bread. She will do fine until she gets home.

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