
My 3 yr old cat does not like my new kitten?

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I just got a kitten about a week ago and I also have a 3 year old cat already at home that we have had since she was a kitten as well. Our three year old cat does not like my new kitten at all and will not stop hissing at her. Its not like she was the only cat in the house, cause we just lost our 15 year old cat that she grew up with..... any ideas???




  1. It takes time, but your cat will warm up to your kitten.  Make sure to be giving the 3 yr old cat plenty of attention and play with her so she knows that she's not being replaced.  Over time you will catch your cat playing with the kitten but still pretending to dislike her (has happened each time I bring a new kitten home).

  2. Jealousy and the cat probably cannot believe that you have welcomed another onto the territory that was ruled over for 3 three years without dispute.

    It will not get any better for some time if they both stick around. Make no mistake your cat is offended by your behaviour and you have sent the wrong message by getting a kitten.  

    The basic premise is true - Hair splitting won't help the kitten

  3. Spray her with the special Sister Gomez repellant.

  4. I also have a 3 y/o cat and she hates kittens, but gets along well with adult cats. I don't know why, but if you can wait until the kitten grows up, the problem will probably go away.

  5. Giver her time. But one thing you can do is keep them on different sides of a door for like a day and then they mioght get curious enough to just sniff each other.

    Or you could give each of them a blanket to sleep on with the other ones scent (they should both me in a different closed off room for this) keep them seperate for a week or so, and eventually they wiill be used to each others scents. Just give it time, don't force it.

  6. it will take time for your cat to get used to another cat in the house, it is natural for all cats. just let them be around each other and they will get along in time.  

  7. Give her some time to adjust, the same thing happened with my dogs.  Animals get touchy about new arrivals.

  8. The 3 y/o will eventually get over this.  When you are not keeping them seperate, put the kitten in a cat carrier and let the older cat get used to him gradually.  

  9. give it a bit of time and the 3 yr old should get used to her

  10. try keeping them in separate areas. like keep the kitten in a separate room with the door closed. let them sniff each other through the door to get used to each other.

  11. that is completely normal. try putting the kitten in an animal crate in a room with the other cat, but keep them supervised. they will be able to smell each other and get used to each other with out the ability to fight. my family fosters kittens and we also have several cats that we own that we have to introduce in this way every time. make sure you still give the 3 year old plenty of attention so he knows he isnt being replaced. it may take a while but it works

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