
My 3 yr old is having nightmares, she has never done this before HELP!?

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My 3 yr old is having nightmares, she has never done this before HELP!?




  1. If she can talk what has she said their about. She might have seen something on tv or something. The tv can be really scary.

    I have 6 nieces and nephews so listen to me.

  2. Are you certain they're nightmares?  Is he/she telling you about them or does he/she not remember them?  If your child is screaming aloud at night then it could be night terrors.  It's harmless but it's still unnerving.  Consult your pediatrician.

  3. My son had those. and he walked in his sleep as well. It was terrible. He hardly watched TV, and if so it was Sesame Street, so that couldn't have been the reason. I don't have a clue why he had them.  Our Doctor said they will stop when he starts puberty. Whaaat!!!!! Well...I hate to tell you this, but that was our case. Hardly a week went by, where he didn't have nightmares or wander around our house at night. Maybe there is a medication for it now, but they didn't have one then. We were told it is a hereditary ailment, and it did stop when he turned 13.

  4. when i was 3 i used to have dreems were the sun was smiling, they freaked me right out. its just a part of growing up i think...

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