
My 3 yr old is so smart but..........?

by  |  earlier

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My 3 year old acts like she's 7! She talks and has conversations w/ my 7 year old and counts infinitly knows shapes, colors, numbers, writes her name ect. Her memory is extraordinary, you can tell her something once and she will never forget it, she amazes me. Is this normal? Should I get her in some kind of early school program? Is there any programs for 3 year olds? She is dying to go to school right now, and is more than ready for Pre-K.




  1. sounds pretty normal. Look for a 3 year old kinder for her. It will keep her stimulated and will help her to have more in common with her own age

  2. There is the Early Learning Program. Which your child sits for a test (nothing major) and is assesed to see if they are able to go to kinder early. My son was the same, so we homeschooled him. We just went to Kmart and brought homeschool books and he loved it. Maybe this is something she would like to do. Some school do do pre-kinder. Just check with your school and see what they say, but I would highly recommend the books, they are great fun.

  3. My daughter was the same way.  Still is.  You can show her one time how to play a song on the piano and she will never forget it.  Personally I wouldn't recommend preschool.  This is the route we took with our daughter and it caused her to regress to learning what the other were learning, which was stuff she'd already been doing for years.  She suddenly only wanted to sort colors and sings ABC's when before preschool she'd been speaking 3 languages moderately and reading and writing.  Keep teaching her at home, then when she's 5 try getting her into a higher grade than kindergarten.  Something more her speed like 1st or 2nd.

  4. The pre-k program that my son is in also takes 3 year olds.  Some day care centers offer just a preschool program that you could take her to.  I did that with my son when he was 3.  He was a lot like your daughter.  He is almost 5 now and doing wonderful.


  5. I would try to ask private schools that do pre-k they might be more open to take children that early. If you can not get her in try to let her learn something else like playing an instrument or a second language or something else she could be interested in, that way you will not teach her school stuff to early and she'll be bored once she goes to school but you can still keep her challenged and her brain developing

  6. congrats u and ur wife have had a super smart baby

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