
My 3 yr old nephew likes techno music - Is it bad to expose him to this?

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My 3 yr old nephew has shown an interest in my music, in particular techno/electronic music. When we were on a family beach vacation, he asked what I was doing (I was listening to my ipod). I let him hear a few songs, and he was mesmerized! He stood next to me, bobbing his head, for about 20-30 minutes. I only played child-friendly songs with fun beats and lots of electronic noises. My question is whether I should support this or not. Is there a solid reason why children should only listen to disney songs or child music? Eventhough he is only 3 yrs old, he has already shown a talent in the arts. If, like his uncle, he's going to be a crazy music fan, then why not expose him now? I have an old ipod that I though about loading up w/ fun songs (some techno, oldies, fun rock, etc.). I can limit the volume so that it can't hurt his hearing. What do you think? If he doesn't like a particular song, he can always turn it off, switch the song, take off the headphones.




  1. there's nothing wrong with that.

  2. My son is 6.  I personally like soft rock (80s) and a little country.  He is a Rock lover!  I don't know where he gets it from, but he likes the Who, Pink Floyd, Chicago.  He hears songs and is like "wow-did you hear that".  When he was four I bought him the Fisher Price FP3 player.  It was the best investment I ever made.  You have to burn or buy a cd, then transfer the songs via the computer onto the cd (itunes doesn't work unless you burn a cd).  My son is constantly playing air guitar, and moving his fingers like he is playing keyboards.  I am not going to stifle his passion because there might be some bad words int he songs.  It is the music he likes.  I can't wait until he is old enough for lessons. The ipod is a great idea to get him into all different kinds of music.  I put the songs my son likes (who, pink floyd) but I also add a few country, show tunes (he loves Rent) soft rock and silly kids songs.

  3. Yes, sounds like a good plan

  4. There's nothing wrong with that...

    Its not like its offensive or anything. He just likes it because its fast and obnoxious. It probably makes him feel hyper or something. lol.

  5. Absolutely not bad! I think it is good to expose kids to different kinds of music! Just listen to it very carefully yourself first to make sure there arent any bad words or anything that could put a bad image in his head. Use your judgement on the words, the music itself will not hurt him.  The only thing I can think of is if it makes him hyper, then his parents wont like it so much! :) I dont see why it would.

  6. As long as there is no cuss words he should be fine. I think its great you expose him to all music. Just don't give him glow sticks and X.

  7. that's perfectly fine!  my son just turned 1 and since about 6 months he's shown an interest in anything with a good dance beat...he just rocks back and forth, or now that he's standing he bounces his knees.  dance, techno, country...anything!  as long as the music is appropriate for the age, i see nothing wrong with it.  my husband and i are both music geeks, and have very eclectic tastes in music, so we're exposing him to everything.  there's nothing wrong with variety!  i like your idea of loading up the old ipod.  good luck!

  8. I wouldn't worry about him listening to the music as long as there is no vulgar language.  Just don't let him start wearing a mullet.

  9. nothing wrong with techno O.o

  10. There's nothing wrong with letting your nephew listen to any kind of music, really. He's going to be exposed to all different kinds as he's growing up anyways.

  11. Its cool Just don't let him listen to cussing

  12. Better than Rap!!!

    Maybe u should make him a few "child friendly" mixes so that he has something good to listen to. Hope he doesn't get into gangsta rap or it's all over.

  13. support it i love techno there is nothing wrong or bad about it  

  14. There is nothing wrong with techno music. There is nothing wrong with any music, for that matter. Music is sound, and sound never hurt anybody, so long as it is at a reasonable volume. Some might argue that certain vulgar lyrics are harmful, but they're not. The degree of harm corresponds only to the degree at which a person believes it is harmful. If a person thinks that walking around in pajamas is a lewd act, they will more likely claim they were traumatized by being exposed to pajamas. They are only harmed if they choose to be.

  15. He's only 3 years giving him an ipod is going a lil far....he's too young for one. Try putting some fun songs on a cd and get him a portable radio....that is more child friendly. I grew up listening to ozzy and ac dc with my mom....and i turned out just fine. Techno is pretty child friendly as long as the lyrics are clean and don't infer on anything violent or sexual. You sound like a cool uncle!! Wish i had an uncle that listened to techno!! :)

  16. I don't see anything particularly wrong with this. If anything, it may help him form an early understanding of rhythm and timing. As long as you make sure the volume isn't too high and he doesn't get carried away I'd let it continue.

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