
My 3 yr old starts playschool in september but he wont use the toilet what can i do?

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ive tried every thing my little chap wont sit on a potty at all but will happily b lifted onto the toilet although he will not do anything once he's there.

not just that but he hasnt got the idea of telling me he needs a p**p or a tinckle until he's done it ive tried toddler help books but nothing seems to be workin what can i do?




  1. dont worry about it

  2. If your child isn't ready to tell you he needs to go, you need to tell him its time to practice using the potty. If he's at a school where he needs to be potty trained, ask if he could do a visit during a time when the children use the potty. Try using a reward system such as a star chart. Every time he uses the potty he gets a star.. And maybe after so many time (20, 30) times og using the potty on his own, he gets a reward (not too big or he won't be using the potty for the right reasons). Explain to him he has to go peepee or poopoo IN the potty in order to get a star. If that doesn't work, consult your staff at the school to see what other ways they recommened your child to get potty trained. I worked with 3.5/4 year old that weren't potty trained, so don't feel so bad. Good luck!

  3. all children are differnt, have u advised the nursery about this and if so what did they say. im sure they are used to kids not being totally toilet trained. my grandson is starting in september he is just over 3 and whilst he has been using the toilet for a no 1 for a long while he still insists on having a nappy on for a no 2.   i have 7 children myself and found the girls easier than the boys, my last child a boy was over 3 and i thought he was never going to be out of nappies however one day he decided he wanted to go to the toilet and that was it he never had another nappy on. so dont despair he will get there in the end just be patient.

  4. get  something that he likes (car or stuffed animal) and say when you go on the toilet and use it i will give you this toy. wrap it up like a present. let him unwrap it when i finally used the toilet.

  5. I'm not sure what playschool is but most preschools won't take children who aren't potty trained.  And even if you get him to start using the toilet now, he's not going to be accident free by next month.  I'm thinking you may be jumping the gun a bit here.  

    All of my kids were closer to 3 and a half when they potty trained.  It's totally normal for him to not be trained yet.

    I also only put my kids in 1 yr of preschool  (the year before kindergarten).  They've all done just fine, made friends and been at the top of their classes.  There's no need to push your baby into growing up faster than he's ready.  

  6. He's just not ready yet, sweetie. Every child is different, and if he hasn't got to the point where he can tell you he needs a the loo, then he isn't ready to do the rest of it, just yet.

    Don't panic, nursery staff are trained and will be able to help your little boy whilst he is with them. I am sure he will catch on quickly once he sees the other children at the nursery using the toilet.

    My little son was a late starter, but over one weekend he did the whole shebang.

    Just let the playschool know the situation with your boy and they will help and support him.


  7. i had the same problem with my 18 month old. i bought her a potty stepstool for the toilet. she was a lot more comfortable on it than sitting on the toilet alone seems like she would not use a potty chair. gave her a book while she was on and after time she figured it out what to do. now shes so proud she can do it all on her own.  

  8. Lots of playschools won't take them if they are not toilet trained, one I helped out  at wouldn't, as someone said buy some steps for the toilet if he won't go on the potty, boys especially feel more grown up using that.


    Children start proper school here at 4 so leaving it another year or two isn't really a good idea.

  9. ok explain to him that if he goes to the potty and actually does something he gets a treat. you can do something like 4 m&ms for going poo and three for peeing. then he well want that treat so he well want to do what it takes to get it.

  10. take off two weeks of work. wake up the little guy and put him on the potty. let him run around the house naked. every thirty minutes pick him up and put him on the potty.give him candy or something better for him everytime he goes. after you can get him to sit on the potty every thirty minutes, put some cheerios in the toilet and let him sink them. two weeks strait of you and him and the potty. the second week, give him some underwear with his favorite character on them and let him run around in just them. still do the every thirty minutes.

    good the way, this is the "i've tried everything" method i don't know anyone who has done it that it hasn't worked

  11. studies are actually saying to wait longer these days, some toddlers just arent doing it between 2-3 years old, and they are saying to wait longer to potty train. you cant make your toddler use the potty, they will do it on their own! good luck

  12. Checkout my site for the top two potty training techniques. I wish you the best of luck!

  13. 3 is pretty early for pre-school. He's still 2-3 years away from kindergarten. Wait another year.

  14. When my daughter was 2, we put her into daycare just to be around other kids.  When she got to daycare and saw all the other kids using the toilet she wanted to be like them, so she was potty trained really quick.  Does your son have to be potty trained to start preschool?  Some schools require that.  I found that Elmo's potty time DVD helped out a lot.  Every 20-30 minutes take the little one to the toilet to go.  If there is a male in the household, let him watch him go to learn what to do.  Just be patient and be persistent.  Use a reward system, it could be as simple as putting a chart on the wall and having the little one put stickers up when he goes to the toilet.  One sticker for pee, and Two stickers for p**p.  good luck.

  15. My oldest son was just like that, so I feel your pain!

    This is a control issue for him.  It's one thing you cannot do: make him go on the toilet.  

    My best advice is to ignore it completely.  Don't make a big deal about it at all.  It takes the pressure off both of you. Once my son realized that "only babies" wore pull-ups, he couldn't wait to use the toilet.  

    Point is, there aren't too many high school kids that aren't potty trained.  He will do it, but on his own time.  Stressing over it just makes you a wreck and turns it into a power struggle.  Relax.  It'll happen.

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