
My 30 year old Encyclopedias...where can I donate them?

by  |  earlier

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My local Salvation Army won't take them. I'd like to hear factual answers, not just random guesses. I need to get rid of this set ASAP! thanks.




  1. Try donating them to the library!

  2. sell them on ebay, the might be worth something. If not, then a museaum or Library. Good will doesn't want anything thatisn't food or clothing, so scratch that!

  3. Try Goodwill. See if any other groups have any thrift stores. Some humane societies have thrift stores where proceeds go back to the shelter. Any non-profit group that has a thrift store should take them.

  4. I'm afraid you might just be stuck with them.  With research on the internet and the fact that they are 30 years old, they are like the ones I have - worthless for reference.  

    My daughter is a school teacher and she took a couple of them to her classroom for the kids to cut pictures out of for posters or whatever art thing they were doing.  Some of them might be useable for that.

    good luck.

  5. Sadly, there is no market for old encyclopedias.  I formerly worked in a used book store, and not only would we not buy them, we didn't even want them donated for free.  Simply put, nobody buys them.  People only want recent editions.  You may think they would be useful to somebody with a child in school, but they would be learning that Jimmy Carter is the current president and the U.S.S.R. is still the country with the largest land area.  The store owner told us to tell people to just recycle them if possible.  They really had no value to anyone we could find.

  6. In the garbage!

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