
My 360 alerts are being sent but the comments aren't showing up on the page even after refreshed?

by  |  earlier

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Others are having problems too whats up




  1. My page isn't working right either when it comes to the comments section. I hope all of my friends who have left a comment I can't see don't think I'm ignoring them.

  2. Yes, I'm having the same problem. I keep getting emails that my friends have left comments, and they aren't showing up. I've refreshed it, and checked my settings, and still nothing new. I hope it gets fixed soon.

  3. 1) The alerts u r recieving may be a few days old...meaning that the comment they r notifying u about is actually one that was left a few days ago. This just happened to me this week.

    2) Sometimes u can see all ur latest comments if u click on See All, at the bottom of ur comments module. It may take a few tries, then again it may take a few days.

    This is happening on alot of pages. The reason for all the problems is Yahoo! Is working on a brand new profile page that will replace our 360's sometime this year.   Unfortunately they r no longer fixing the problems that come up on our pages. Here's a link to the latest news from Yahoo! concerning these issues:

  4. The Yahoo 360 is experiencing a lot of bugs in the pages now days.. we have been informed by yahoo that they are changing to a new profile platform in the near future and most of the bugs in our pages will not be fixed.

    You can read this information at this link...

    This is all the information on these kinds of problems available to us at this time.

    You can always go to the beta feedback option at the top of any of your 360 pages and try to send a bug report to the 360 team.

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