
My 360 did work now it has 3 red lights?

by  |  earlier

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recently my 360 cord got juice on it and made my 360 not work and showed 3 red lights and i had to buy me a new power cord for the power brick i did the towel trick just in case but did it sloppy with 1 t shirt over it but it worked fine when i got the cord but couple days later i was playing this morning and then i wanted to watch a movie i turned it on it worked then i had to eat so i turned it off then when i was done eating my 360 had 3 red lights on i checked the cables and still will 3 red lights will pop up i dont know what to do?




  1. You my friend have the RED RING of DEATH.  Give it up.  Call X-Box and see if they are still honoring the warranties at all and maybee they will fix it for you.  If not, either buy a new one or come over to the dark side........PS3.  Hee Hee

  2. 3 red lights of doom!!!  No big worries, just call xbox customer service (check their website for the number) and set up a repair.  They'll send you a box in about 10 days, and then you ship your 360 and you should get a new one in about a month or so.  It has happened to me twice and at least its all free (well, if its under the 3 year warranty)

    other than that, you can keep trying the towel trick.  I used 3 or 4 towels and left it on for about 20 mins.  It wasnt permanent and gave me about 30 mins to an hour of playing time.

    good luck

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