
My 360 had the red rings then i turned the 360 off then back on and it wasnt red any more?

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My 360 had the red rings then i turned the 360 off then back on and it wasnt red any more?




  1. Lol are you talking about your XBOX 360? That should be in the video game category :)

    anyways, you must mean the "red rings of death." aaah, sadly for you. But you are lucky, unlike some of my other friends. If the red rings don't come back when you turn it on again, your system should be fine. Just be prepared in case they come back.

    DO NOT try the towel trick, because if the red rings keep showing up, eventually you'll have to get the 360 fixed...and the company won't fix it if you did the towel trick. Good luck!

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