
My 'best friend' left me for the popular crowd, :[. Please help?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so me and this girl have been best friends since the first day of kindergarden (9 years) and weve always shared everything with each other, supported each other, hung out 24/7 in school ect (ya know, all the stuff best friends do). Over the summer, we usually dont talk much because she likes to stay home with her sisters (idk why, she just does). So this summer we only hung out once (like usual) and I though I was the only one she hung out with (because thats usually the truth). Turns out, she was hanging out with the 'popular' kids all summer. Even though she told me she hated each and every one of them. Anyways, school started and shes not talking to me, at all! We used to talk 24/7 and now shes just ignoring me. Like, we used to walk to all our classes together, but now shes walking with the 'cool kids'. And in class she sits on the other side of the room then me. I cant stand it. How do you go from being like attached to someone to not even adknowledging them?! I didnt change one single bit, but she defiently has. So, I guess my question is what should I do? She didnt have a single reason to dump me like she did! I would do everything I could to help her (even my parents told me I shouldnt do anything for her since she wasnt treating me the same way back). Like, one day shed be like "We should totally go to the mall today after school" and Ill be like "Sure, sounds like fun". And after school if I didnt have MY PARENTS drive us and picked us up from the mall, shed be pissed at me. Why cant her parents ever do something?! So, Idk. I have no clue what to do. Please help mee! Should I talk to her, not talk to her? WHAT?!

Thankss, :].




  1. best friend?!

    hung out once a summer.

    my best friends and i live at eachothers houses in the summer.

    find a new bfff, hun(:

  2. Like you said, your "best friend" has changed and you're just going to have to learn to except that. She's not a good friend if she is going to ditch you in the blink of an eye. Make some new friends and show her that your life will still go on, irregardless of if she is in it or not.

  3. Sure - you could talk to her.  I'm not too sure how far along that will get you.  Sometimes it's more effective to show her that you are getting along quite fine without her (whether or not you are, you can keep to yourself) - find other friends and act chatty with them when she's around.  That might make her come back around.

  4. take it as a blessing. You don't need ppl like that around you anyways .

    It's better to root out the fake sooner rather than later later

  5. In my opinion , she is not being a good friend at all. Let alone fair to you. To some point ,there was something that changed her indefinite. None the less , who cares .You don't need friends like that (which are called 2 faced). Obviously she is running with a crowd that is totally changing her in character. Its ashame thou.See in my opinion , I think you should cut ties with her. If she seeks you (only when she isn't around her new friends) Well, just say something like -I'm sorry , were you talking to me? A true friend doesn't use people ,maybe your new crowd of friends can help you. Something like that,lol. I am sure your a smart young lady and can come up with your own thing to say. As for her parents not wanting to pick you up , dunno .That should be brought to your so called friends attention. I can only say one thing .If you know your a good person , you should be treated as such .Use your best judgment , and don't let your self be stepped all over by a so called friend.

    To bad , you do sound like a good person to be friends with .She was the one that lost not you. As we get older and more mature we realize these things .

    Good luck

  6. The same thing happened to me, so I can actually say that I know how you feel and I'm sorry you had to experience it. It sounds like you're putting in all the effort in the relationship and it shouldn't be that way.

    I reckon your friend's insecure, she says she hates the popular kids, but she's hanging round with them, which may make her feel more accepted or liked, high school can be a difficult time and she may just be having a hard time,people can often change in high school. You sound like a really good friend though, so in time she might realise that you really do care about her and you'll be friends again. I think you should talk to her, say hi, don't ignore her or be rude or anything like that, it's up to you, but I never asked my friend why she went off, although I was curious, you could ask her if you wanted to know, but if you don't ask her, it shows that you're coping well without her.  In the meantime, try to focus on your other friends and be positive.

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