
My 'friend' called my baby backwards?

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I am fuming!! I have been having email conversations with a friend whom i haven't seen for about 6 months as we moved. She has a baby too who is 6 months older than my 11 month old. She was asking whether my baby could walk yet, and I said she could: get to standing when holding onto things and without holding onto things, walk around furniture, stand alone for about 20 seconds, take a couple of steps unaided and it also came up in conversation that whilst she can do all that (which I had thought was pretty developmentally 'normal' for her age?) that she can't get from lying down to sitting up alone. Of course, she can sit up completely unaided and has done since about 5.5 months, she just doesn't get herself there from lying down, but once she's sitting up she's all over the place! To which my 'friend' replied that she was backwards because her son has been walking since 8 months (which, considering the last time I saw him was 6 months ago when he was my daughters age and he couldn't walk then seems a bit rubbish to me!!) and that she should've been able to get herself to sitting from lying down since 3 months!? She actually said the word 'retarded'. Needless to say, she won't be getting a response. Why are some people so competitive about what their baby's can/can't do? Is what my daughter can do 'normal' or should I be worried?




  1. I don't blame you for being angry at your friend. That's not a nice thing to say at all.

    Babies and toddlers grow and change at different rates which is perfectly fine and normal.

    Sounds like your friend just needs to learn a bit more about children and development. Not much of a friend if she is saying things like that to you.

  2. Sounds like you have a healthy, happy, wonderfully normal baby on your hands!! This "friend" sounds like... well, just, not much of a friend!! I can hardly get up from lying down my own self... no reason your daughter should... she's got a mommy to lend a hand ;)

  3. If she makes a comment like this, is she really a 'friend'?

  4. I'd be FUMING too!!  Your baby's development is perfectly normal, who needs friends like that!!!?

  5. my son is 12 months and is still not walking and only sat up on his was bout six months who cares what age your baby is when she starts to walk the point is she will do it in her own time seems like your friend needs to think of what she said has hurt you and say sorry for what she has said if you still want her as a friend that is  

  6. Oh Id be giving her a response all right. telling her what cliff to jump off! Seriously hun, your baby sounds like he is doing fine. Maybe her baby is the 'slow' one and she is just jealous

  7. Your daughter is perfectly normal, its your friend who has the issues.  

  8. Yes i hate it.. y do mothers get all competitiveness about what their babies can and can't do!! I have also stopped communications with a few ppl who r exactly the same.. its just annoying!!!

    Your friend sounds just plain and out right Horrible and nasty!!(not 2 mention a liar also) I certainly wouldn't reply.. EVER!!!

    Your daughter sounds to me like she is developing just fine and reaching her milestones accordingly..and like every1 says Every baby is different and its true i have 2 girls and developed totally different and reached milestones at different stages.

    Only advice u need is : Get rid of that so called friend

  9. That's just nasty, all children develop at different rates and my daughter didn't walk until she was about 16 months and she is far from backward or retarded. Your daughter is fine :)

  10. Your daughter IS NORMAL - all children deveop at different stages you have nothing to worry about this person is not a friend ignore her!

  11. Your daughter is completely normal.

    My daughter did not walk unaided until she was 16 months old. But she did start talking quite early.

    She was 8 and a half months before she crawled.

    Now she is 2 years old and runs everywhere. She is always taslking and singing and we can hold full conversations with her.

    Don't worry about it. She is fine. And we friends like that who needs enemies?

  12. Oh dear what a tactless friend! All babies develop at different paces and yours sounds just right.  Anyway if there were any probs your health professional would have pointed them out long ago.

  13. Shes just being stupid. Kids develop differently so some are slower then others. You know your baby sounds like hes doing fine. She just might be blowing smoke up your *** trying to make it like her kids better then your. I'd find a new friend.

  14. Your daughter is PERFECTLY NORMAL, it sounds like its your friend who is backwards.  What a terrible thing to say.  Babies develop at all different rates, a baby who is advanced in walking might not be as advanced as a crawling baby at talking and visa versa.

    I think she's talking a lot of c**p, ignore her!!!

  15. All babies do things in there own time and your baby is perfectly normal.  She isn't backwards or retarded.  Your friend needs to get over it.  Maybe she is just jealous because your baby is cuter???

  16. Tell your friend she is the r****d, all babies are different and develop at different stages, I would be fuming too  

  17. Your baby sounds perfect to me.  

    With regards to your 'friend' I would have no more to do with her.  The comment she made was nasty & more are likely to follow.  Cut her off & concentrate on your daughter.

  18.    Don't listen to that c**p! All babies are different and learn to do things at they're own speed and at different times. You're doctor would tell you if there was any reason to be concerned. Tell your friend to stop being mean and childish.  

  19. I couldn't walk by myself until I was two.

    I rolled everywhere- And I don't have anything wrong with me mentally or physically.

    You're 'friend' is just trying to get attention and feel good about herself.  She's being stupid. And probably a liar.

  20. she sounds like the backward one. Our children shouldnt be a competition. Your daughter is fine. She will learn to sit up from lying down when she wants to. Sounds like she is doing perfectly fine to me

  21. She's a bi----.  Your baby is completely normal.  I'd not be taken any notice of her.

  22. Woah what a *****

    I wouldn't be speaking to her again, ever

  23. She said WHAT!?!! Oh my goodness, she does not sound like a friend AT ALL.

    All babies develop different skills at different times, my daughter didnt walk until she was 14 months- her little friend has only just started to walk at 16 month- big deal, it doesnt matter!

    Ignore this woman, she is clearly an idiot. Urgh I would be absolutely fuming too!  

  24. This woman is rude rude rude! All babies are different! My daughter is 8 months old and cannot sit up from a lying down position, she cant crawl and certainly cannot walk. Im not worried as I know my daughter will do it at her own pace! Im also not sure its possible a three month old can sit up by themselves anyway??! I wouldnt have thought so! This woman needs to educate herself. Id get her a book!  

  25. Your babay is normal.. Dont worry with that lady... I think she gotto look at herself first before calling other people babies retarded or backwards... Thats very rude of her

  26. s***w her! She's backwards! I don't think she's a good friend to be calling your child names! omg

    WELL, all babies develop skills at different speeds.

    I personally, could crawl before I could sit up because I was a fat baby.

    You child is fine and you shouldn't hang out with this chick she sounds like she is causing you too much stress and isn't a good friend for you.

  27. omfg........that is no friend!! your baby is perfectly little girl didnt walk till between 10 months to a year i cant quite remember but i know that babies do things at different ages.....she sounds like a bit@h.....what a horrible thing to say...i hate people like that!! no wonder your so dare she say a horrible thing like that against an innocent beautiful little baby!!

  28. If you sense rubbish, it's probably not a good friend. Just one of those people that will say anything to be better than you, even if it doesn't matter at all. I think your baby is perfectly ok.

  29. She sounds perfectly normal to me. Babies can learn to walk any time from around nine months to about 15 months. Apparently 90% of babies can sit up well without support by around 8 months but I'm not really sure about moving themselves into a sitting position. All babies develop at a different rate. Your 'friend' was definitely out of order,you're right not to reply to her.

  30. that is awful i can't believe 'friend' could say that. your baby sounds perfectly normal to me and developing  spot on age range. all babies develop differently anyway and will do it when they are ready. take no notice of your friend  

  31. Certainly does sound like much of a friend to me...

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