
My 'hair catcher' for the basin has left rust marks on the ceramic surface. Bleach wont touch it - any ideas

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to clean it off? Thanks




  1. try limescale remover.

  2. There is a wonderful product called zud. I use it for ALL of my stains. We have a porcelain sink that gets that way & it cleans it right up. Just sprinkle zud on it, scrub with a scrubber pad, & presto you're done. You can get it at any home supply store (Home Depot, Ace, etc..).

  3. Acid is great for cleaning rust, try soaking it in lemon juice first but if this doesnt work try white vinegar.

  4. The product you need to use is called "Wink"  They sell it in hardware stores in the cleaning products aisle. It comes in a small brown bottle and costs under $5.00

  5. Try some soft scrub with bleach...

  6. hi, try biological wash powder and  a soft scrubbing brush, or bicarbonate of soda should do the same job.   good luck.  x

  7. i know the perfect stuff for this but i cant for the life of me remember the name of it!!

    you get it in pound shops and its in a tub and you get it on a cloth and rub it in! its got little bits in it and its amazing stuff! im sure its a blue ish tub!! im 100% sure that would work!

  8. pommis stone ( boots stock them for removing hard skin) I wont damage the sink as it is a softer material than the sink

    See this on how cleanis ur house .C4 Chirs and Aggie the two who walk around in white coats wear fur trimmed rubber gloves.

  9. I would recommend Barkeeper's Friend. It is a great, gentle powdered cleanser that removes many stains, including rust, from many surfaces. It is gentle enough to be safely used on porcelain. I used it on a rust stain in a porcelain sink.

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