
My 3month old baby breathing is different she makes these crazy sounds?

by  |  earlier

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that freaks me out




  1. When my nephew was a baby he weezed like all the time.  They took him to several specialists.  Finally at the Children's Hospital they diagnosed him as a "chubby wheezer".  They said some young chubby babies wheeze for no apparent reason.  He is now 4.5 yrs old and perfectly healthy.

  2. call your doctor, a nurse hot line, or if you think it may be a serious problem you need to go to the hospital asap.  

  3. Call the dr asap. It could be nothing but the baby is so young that you shouldnt take chances.

  4. How is her breathing different?? Is she grunting while she sleeps or having fast/labored breathing?  If she is then you need to get her into a doctor as soon as possible, it could be symptoms of a respitory infection or possibly pneumonuia.  

  5. take her to the doctor for  checkup

    Something might be run with her thorax being tied with the esophagus's tube..

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