
My 3wk old grunts and curls up whilst feeding... should I be worried??

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I'm breastfeeding, and he'll grunt and curl up and pull himself off the breast only just to latch on again straight away with a sense of urgency... It seems a bit painful for him like he has a stomache upset of some sort?

Surely this isn't normal? Does anyone know why he is doing this? I'm trying to burp him more often, but its only helping a little bit. It seems like he's straining to do a poo, but his bowels are good and there are plenty dirty nappies throughout the day - so its definately not constipation... Any advice is appreciated : )




  1. It could be colic, which is gas. Mylicon (spelling?) Infant Drops worked for my baby (who is now 17 and graduating high school in June). I'd check with my doctor before giving him any type of medicine, though. The problem could be caused by something else.

  2. my son does this. usually he has gas or is trying to go poo (doesn't mean he is constipated, its just not easy going poo when you are laying flat!).  he also does this when he is full, but doesn't really realize it... he would just keep eating forever (and spitting it all up lol!) if I didn't stop him

  3. He might have a stuffy nose, trouble breathing, or be trying to swallow an air bubble.

    If it continues, have your doctor do some tests for gastrointestinal problems.

  4. It's gas. Give him some Mylicon infant drops for gas. Also, pat his back or tummy gently but firmly enough to get out the burps.

  5. It's trapped gas (gosh, I remember this!)  I recommend Gripe Water.

  6. Sounds like gas to me. Our pediatrician told us to give our baby 2 droppers full of mylicon (actually WalMart carries an off brand, same thing much cheaper) before every feeding. If that works then you try to cut down to 1 & 1/2 & so on until you reach the dose that works effectively. The Dr. said the gas medicine is not harmful at all.

  7. My son does the same exact thing. I always wondered if I should be worried but never really thought it was that major of a deal. He will do it and then go right back to eating. I just summed it up to him just being difficult. I will star this and see what comes from it. Good luck.  

  8. aww, he has a sore tummy or gas... it's probabaly painful for him.... I gave my daugher gripe water when she had seemed to work...

  9. I work in the NICU an ER and have seen babies like this often enough the baby has gas, or may have problems suckling cause he's pulling too much air in, or he could have gerd your doctor can do a 24hour ph probe test to check the acid in his stomach also he could have an obstruction near his esophagus making it harder for food to go down so he is pulling away to help get it down if he has this he may still have dirty diapers but it is worth getting it checked out it's not an emergency but I would make an appointment congrats you little guy!

    if he snores when he sleeps he may have a deviated septum those babies have  the same problems also

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