
My 3yr old due to nursery in aapril 9.dont know how to leave her there?`?

by Guest66910  |  earlier

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as she is not used to be on her like this.and since we moved to uk from my country with a big family to live with..and now suddenly she is all alone with me and her father she has gone very shy lost her confidence.doesnt talk any more ...the way she used to ...and on top of all ..donest want to be alone esp in a nursery kind of thing..dont know wht to do to tackle ...anyone please help..




  1. It will take time and maturity for your three year old to regain her confidence so you need to give her that time if you can. Are you allowed to have some short visits to the nursery where you and your daughter can stay together for a wee while and check it out?

    If you treat it like she is starting school. Tell her what is happening and make a plan together. Be positive to her about it - say that it's exciting and a bit scary too. Give her the language to say how she is feeling. She knows what she feels but may not have the actual words to tell you.

    You could plan something like two visits together and then she could stay for half an hour or an hour on her own. Talk to the nursery teachers and find out what they suggest too.

    This is important. You want her to be happy to go and this also will set the tone for other things like starting school - so you want to make it a good transition for both of you.

  2. i know how you feel ..........every parent goes threw the same thing honest shel love it ....... everyone of my cryed an ran after me sobbin ect .......wen i went to collect them they were having a whale of a time as for her being shy maybe mixing with other kids again will sort that out kids make friends quikly  buy a special bag encourage her tell her how grown up she is going to big girls school make it very exciting dont cry infont o her and try no obe nervous because all that will effect her shel worry then because you are also you could buy her a book called off to school my son loved it he was rearing to go ! ,  be strong stick with it i promise shel love it good luck

  3. Talk to her about it and try to get her excited about going to school. Tell her all the things she will be doing and the friends she will make.  Buy her a special bag to put her things in. Visit the school with her and show her around before you take her there.  When you do finally take her try and leave as soon as possible. If you stay too long then she will get upset and cry and then upset you too and it will be difficult to leave her.  Ask her teacher to make a special effort with her on her first day.  When she comes home with her school work make a big fuss and put it on the fridge and on the walls.  I wish you lots of luck.

  4. Stay home with her rather than putting her in a nursery or day care. You and your husband may have to tighten up your budget and go without certain nice things, but it will be worth it. Your child needs you, especially now that she has had this big move to adjust to...give her as much time as you can.

    Maybe there is a play group that the two of you could go to together so she will begin to make new friends. Check with some local churches!

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