
My 3yr old still wakes up in the middle of the night wanting milk. What do I do?

by Guest57484  |  earlier

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My 3yr. old wakes up in the middle of the night wanting milk and his bottle. I dont know what to do. I never get a full nights sleep. Please help me. Does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. The water suggestion is a good idea but I suspect it won't work - you could be greeted with the evil eye at such an offer!  Besides if you replace milk with water you may still end up with broken sleeps ....  My suggestion, go the tough way, comfort and cuddle etc, wouldn't go for a book, again it could become another habit - but for a few nights (I think the proffesionals reckon it takes up to 4 or 5) just suffer the possible tantrums, let him/her cry their frustration out at not getting their bottle, encourage them to just go back to sleep.  Apparently within a few nights they will form a new habit of NOT waking, or at least not waking and wanting the bottle, and then eventually not waking at all.  Good luck!  I still get woken when my 1 year old can't be bothered reaching out for his dummy and although I am tired I just cant face several nites trying to persuade him to either get it himself or go back to sleep without it (yet!).

  2. stop giving him milk the longer you continue to support this schedule he will continue to wake up.  Maybe sit up with him sing a song, rock in a chair cuddle whatever to keep him calm relaxed and he will go back to sleep.  May be some work and sleep issues for you but you have to weed him off or it will continue to be a habit.  If you know he has eaten and drank and not an issue of dehydration but habit don't feel bad to help work him through this,

  3. Give him water instead. He may be thirsty not hungry.  

  4. At three years old they sometimes need assurance that their mum is still there to comfort him.  They ask for milk but they want you.

    give a glass of water, rub their back, return them to their bed and wait for them to fall asleep before you leave the room.

    They grow up fast and soon enough they will not need you anymore.

    Then you will get a full night's sleep.

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