
My 4 1/2 year old daughter feels the need to take her shirt off to use the toilet.Is this normal?

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This just started happening a couple days ago, but for weeks before that she always holds her shirt up under her chin. I think it might be because she's afraid of it touching the toilet water, or her urine like it had a couple times when she wore her nightgown, and a dress.




  1. i don't know the answer, but i have a friend who's in her mid twenties who takes her pants off to pee in the woods.  it's probably because she doesn't want to mess herself.  i think that's my friend's idea!

  2. It's okay.  My daughter, and my sons, did this as well.  For some reason, they always felt the need to strip down butt naked to use the bathroom.  My daughter is 4 and I have a hard time just keeping clothes on her in general.  As soon as we come home in the evenings, she strips down to her underwear and is off to play.  Your daughter will be perfectly fine.

  3. i used to do that!! My mom would put my shirt back on and assure me it was gonna be fine...  to ease my mind, she'd roll it up and tuck it into my collar.  As time went on, she'd just let the shirt fall... i stopped worrying about it getting wet - because i forgot why i held it up in the first place.

    Well... in an odd twist, to this day... when i'm wearing like a sundress or a longer shirt... i tuck the buttom into the neckline so it doesnt get wet.  I'm 28 years old.  But behind closed doors... no one cares!

  4. How funny!!  My son, who is now 11, used to get completely naked when he was about that age when he went to the bathroom.  It lasted for about 6 months or so...maybe longer.  It's just a phase, and something to laugh about!!  Good luck!!!

  5. Absolutely normal! When my daughter first started learning to use the potty, she would pee on her pants because she wasn't pulling them down far enough and wasn't closing her legs! So she started taking off everything - pants, shoes, socks, and her shirt. She did that for a while. Eventually though she began to leave her shirt on. It's not hurting anything, it just makes it a little inconvenient when you're in a public restroom!

  6. This is very normal, Ive seen kids strip completly nude to use the bathroom plenty of time. She will stop doing it in time.

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