
My 4 1/2 year old daughter told me this morning I smell nice all the time. Will she remember that in 40 years?

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When I'm long in my grave?




  1. She will if you put it in your epitaph.

    Yesterday my daughter told me to "Please stop bugging me, mommy"... as if that's going to happen.

  2. No she probably will not remember.She will have grown up and married and had children in 40 years.BUT there are a lot of things about you she will remember from her childhood.She will remember how daddy spent time with her playing with baby dolls and having tea parties.She will remember daddy being at her tee ball games and at the dance recitals.She will remember her once a week daddy and daughter time when you spent time with her at the park or going for an ice cream cone.She will remember dancing on daddy's feet.She will remember...

  3. That's cute. My wife uses my 4 yr old's olfactory talent to tell her which pillows go where when she's changing the linens.  

  4. sure...

  5. Well...if she continues to grow up smelling you, then she will always remember the way you smell. Smell is the sense most tightly tied to memory.

  6. YES she definately will. My mom is 60 and i am 33 and I still remember wanting to sleep on her pillow because it smelled like her(as a child) And even now when i hug her I smell this sweet flower smell.  Its definately For Life.

    ALso, My Dad passes away last year and I still remember his smell too. I miss it badly!

    My kids say the same thing about me!

    SMell is one of the most powerful senses for memory....

    Ever smell ham cooking and think how it reminds you of Christmas?

    OR the smell of crayons remind you of kindergarden?

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