
My 4 month kitten sometimes have f***s stuck in its behind. What can i do please? ?

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My 4 month kitten sometimes have f***s stuck in its behind. What can i do please? ?




  1. pluck it with your mummys best tweezers i let my dog l**k my kittens behind cause the kitten is always moaning about lack of toilet paper hanging on his cat box

  2. suck it out with your bare lips. its wat i do

  3. 4 lil kittnz u shuld get the hair around that area shaved... jst a lil bit .. its healthy cz smtimes if its to much it clogz the hole nd it cn result in death (god forbid) nd it also stops the things sticking there :D gd luck

  4. crutch the cat like a sheep

    get the scissors and carefully trim the hair of the back af the cat

  5. remove the stuck item behid the cats back wearing a anti septic glove

  6. bring her to the vet and hopefully theyll sort it out

  7. oh my lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Get a paper towel and clean it, its a baby and isn't cleaning itself properly yet.  Its no big deal. It happens to dogs too.

  9. You can buy pet wipes, and then wipe its behind, and take a brush and start trying to brush it out.

    Hope this helped=)

  10. Lizzie our kitten (3 months old)sometimes does have a little remainder on her butt, i just wet a cotton ball with warm water and wipe her off, this also prompts her to clean her butt on her own.  I do feed her a High Protein Kitten Diet, this seems to help in the bulkiness of her p**p, seems to help her.

  11. Call a vet..

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