
My 4 month old baby just started fussing at night

by  |  earlier

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my baby is almost 4 months old and has just recently start fussing around 5 or 6 pm and fussing until 9 pm when we put her to bed we thought maybe getting her to stay down for a nap she slept for 3 or 4 hours during the day today 2 1.5 hours naps or so.. she has just started this within the past few days we switched the formula but the doctor assured me if the formula was bothering her she would be fussy most of the time,,, has anybody else had this problem found a reason of a way to soothe their child




  1. well its normal 4 babys 2 do that. They usaully start teething around that age. So its complety normal

  2. It could be teething.  Is she drooling more.  Try orajel or teething rings.

  3. Have you started a bedtime routine with her.  For example, bath, bottle, then bed.  Maybe she's wanting an earlier bedtime, too.

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