
My 4 month old baby ????

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my 4 month old baby will not let us put her down for longer than 5 minutes any suggestions? please help any ideas to keep her entertained




  1. I would just put her down and let her cry for a bit, it doesn't hurt them, and if she is ONLY crying for attachment issues than I don't see the big deal..  I had to do the same with my dd for tummy time..  I started at a minute and worked up..  Eventually she stopped.

  2. I know the feeling. My little one was like this until a few days ago. He went through a mayor growth spurt at 4 months which lasted a good week and came out of it a different child. He's more self entertained now, plays happily in his playpen for over 1/2 hour at the time.

    I think things will improve even further when he learns to sit and can really start playing.

    I hope the same will go for you.

    Until then: just put him in a sling and carry him with you. I really don't know what else to tell you. Unfortunately there's no magic solution for this situation even though so many of us new moms struggle with it.

    Good luck.

  3. Why not try putting her in her bouncer or rocker near a big window with the curtains/blinds pulled back where she can see the trees outside, my daughter just loves looking outside as the breeze blows the trees and will happily sit for quite some time just watching the branches sway, its very calming.

    Hope this helps:)

  4. it is hard when children want to be held all the time. i have 2 of my own who are now 4 and 6 yrs old. you may just have to let your child cry. crying is good for babys because it helps develop their lungs more and it wont hurt them. i know at first it will be hard at first but u have to be consistant for her to understand. some suggestions: interactive toys, maybe one of those teddy bears at the store that when u turn them on u can hear the sound of a heartbeat(she may feel like your there) i wish u the best of luck

  5. babies start testing you from the minute they are born. sounds like yours has you trained already. it doesn't hurt a baby to cry, in fact it is good in developing their lungs. put her down and put something in front of her to get her interest. then let her cry till she gets tired of it and turns her attention to something else.

  6. Ha I feel for you. My 4 month old is exactly the same. Also a girl. She has a little toy radio that plays tunes. That sometimes keeps her entertained for like, ten seconds. Lol. Good Luck.

  7. an activity center might work.  I think now at 4 months she needs to learn to spend some time on her own, just keep working on it.  try putting her down but talking to her, looking at her, and having contact with her while she's down (hand across her chest or hold her hand).  Pick her up if she really starts wailing but try to soothe her without doing it.  Good luck-  hopefully she'll overcome this soon.

  8. What about a swing? My 3.5 month old is entertained by that. But then again if she doesnt like the bouncer she may not like that. How about toys that make noise and are colorful?? son LOVES those scrunchy books that make noise. You can give her that and try to lay her down somewhere. good luck!

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