
My 4 month old got shots on tues. and is now not eating.He ate 15oz total yesterday and 5.5 so far today.?

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He has no fever and is not too fussy except when he eat for the most part. Sleeps well at night.




  1. The first couple shots my daughter had made her really sick for almost a week. Her appetite was gone, high fever, and diarrhea. It all really scared me of course, but her doctor reassured me that it was very normal. Babies handle vaccines very differently. If you have concerns though don't hesitate to call the doctor. I was always afraid to call too much I didn't want to be a paranoid new mom but whenever I felt something didn't feel right I'd call. They understand.

  2. I think son had his yesterday and today he is running a low grade fever..another side affect..but symptoms can occur for a few days!  

  3. He's going to be a little tired maybe for today, tomorrow I'm sure you'll see a big improvement in his appetite.

    Try not to worry too much,  he'll eat if he's hungry!

    Good luck!

  4. its ok i promise. if you read the papers from the doctor one of the side effects is loss of appetite.  

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