
My 4 month old is getting ready to start with solid foods.?

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Which is type of spoon is better to use? Plastic tipped, metal? Is there a difference?




  1. I prefer the plastic ones but the metal would work I imagine.

  2. please reconsider starting so early.

  3. Definetly the plastic tipped spoons...& if your baby is ready to start eating & his pediatrician suggested go ahead and start feeding him then 4 months isn't too young.  My lil girl started eating at 5 months.  I've heard that the best type of cereal to start them on is rice cereal.  Apparently the others can cause allergies in babies...

  4. i use the plastic ones. i never tried the metal ones though.  

  5. Is there any particular reason you are starting this early?  The usual time to begin is now 6 months, NOT 4 months.  

    If you are going to start now, I would use a plastic coated spoon.  It's easier on baby's mouth.  (But don't try to force ANY spoon. If baby doesn't open his mouth for the spoon, he isn't ready.)

  6. I would ask your pediatrician.  I think four months is a little early to start on foods, but you can ask.  My son is 7 months old and I waited until he was six months.  Whenever you decide to, use the plastic tipped spoons, so when they gum it it won't hurt them.

  7. i used both i don't think theres any difference but you can choose/used one that is comfortable to your kid.

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