
My 4 month old went to sleep early today. Should I be concerned?

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Usually he goes to sleep at 7:30p and awakes at 7:30a with 3 feedings per night. He's exclusively breastfed. Today he went to sleep at 4p. He eats before he goes to sleep (tanks up for the night).

Why do you think he went to bed earlier? (He sets his own schedule)




  1. Children sleep more when they are going through a growth spur.  That could be it or it could just be busy day or the weather can affect kids  to.  I wouldn't worry about it.

  2. Probably he was stimulated more than usual today and just got tired.  That's pretty early compared to the usual time, though, so he might want to get up later.  Hopefully not, though!  

    When babies are getting sick they'll want to sleep more (of course) so it's possible that he's coming down with something.  Just keep an eye out for anything unusual, but don't worry!  Most likely he just got wore out today.

  3. There is a good chance that he's going through a growth spurt. When this happens they will sleep a little more and longer than usual As long as he has not had a head injury recently, then he's okay. My 6month old does that from time to time.

    Take it a Blessing and a break for Mommy! I don't question it, I just take advantage :)

    He may also transition into less frequency in feedings, but more milk per feeding. Just let him lead the way.

  4. Has your baby been acting sick? There are days where I am more tird than others and hit the bed early. I would not worry about it unless s/he starts acting strange or sick. I would contact the doctor in that case. If nothing changes other then going to sleep early one night than I think that means that your baby had a really great/fun day and was pooped from all the playing.

  5. probally just has a fun day and is exhausted

  6. He's probably just tired. Dont worry unless he acts weird liek he's sick or something  

  7. There's a variety of reasons. A growth spurt, busy day, teething, all the other answers given above. Check for a fever and if there isn't one there's no need for concern. Just don't be surprised if he wakes up at 4am!

  8. lol i thought this was quite funny,i have a baby brother who is 4 months old,there is no much thing as going to sleep early or late,the need to sleep as much as possible day and night! they wake feed them and give them some kick time then its back to bed...all through the day and night...its called routine and ive never heard of any one who does not do guessing you live in a difrent country.

  9. he was'll be up later in the early am.....that's why you should set the schedule....

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