
My 4 week old baby has a cold and sore throat?

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is this life threatening to her. i dont want to loose my precious gal. i have taken her to the doctor and they say cant give her anything as she is too young. petrified . help




  1. she should be ok - keep her fluids up, sponge her down if she gets a fever.  give her extra cuddles and keep her by you.

  2. she is young but it isn't life threatening. Watch her temp if it spikes over 101 then take her to the doctor. If it's just a little cold then it should pass.

    What can parents do in the meantime to relieve cough and congestion when their young kids catch a cold or flu?

    We suggest you try a natural alternative called SINUPRET. This plant-based pharmaceutical grade natural cold and cough medicine has been used in Europe for decades as a primary treatment for kids of all ages, and it just became available in the U.S. Not only does it relieve nasal and chest congestion and help clear out mucus, it also boosts the body’s own immune response to infections to help clear them out faster. It comes as a liquid or capsules. For more information visit Click here to find a retailer in your area.

    If my baby gets a cold, what should I do?

    With cold and flu season just around the corner, it is important to remember there are many other ways to help a young infant get through a cold:

    Nasal saline and bulb suctioning

    Staying well hydrated

    Getting plenty of rest

    Cool-mist humidifier in the bedroom

    as a first time mom your going to become alarmed at the smallest of things  but don't feel stupid or be insecure about calling the doctor. The nurses are also helpful in giving some ideas to help out.

    Soar throat home remidies

    Most sore throats are soon over. In the meantime, the following remedies may help:

    Drink warm liquids. Honey or lemon tea is a time-tested remedy.

    Gargle several times a day with warm salt water (1/2 tsp of salt in 1 cup water).

    Cold liquids or popsicles help some sore throats.

    Sucking on hard candies or throat lozenges can be very soothing, because it increases saliva production. This is often as effective as more expensive remedies, but should not be used in young children because of the choking risk.

    Use a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier to moisten and soothe a dry and painful throat.

    Try over-the-counter pain medications, such as acetaminophen. Do NOT give aspirin to children

  3. awe. scary. it does not sound too bad. as a mom i can see how scared you must be. but if your doctor says she is ok the only thing you can really do is trust them. just make sure you are taking her in OFTEN!

  4. Your child is going to go through many and many of colds growing up. Its normal, and of course if you look after her well (plenty of fluids) she will be fine

  5. No, it's not life threatening. Babies got lots of colds, it's part of growing up!

    If she was in ANY danger, the doc would have admitted her to hospital where she could be monitored.

    Keep her warm and make sure she gets plenty of rest. Giver her plenty of fluids, and if she wants more, don't be afraid to give them to her. Play with her lots of make a huge fuss to make her feel better!

    She'll be just fine. Bless both of you.

  6. Dont worry to much. I know that is easier said than done, but as long as you keep her warm (not over heated) and take care of her she will be fine. If she isnt better in a week take her back to the doctors.

    Just think about what you feel like when you have a cold and a sore throat and then give her the attention and you would want when your sick.

    Obviously you cannot give her cough medicine and throat lozengers, but you can buy childrens paracetamol that is sutable for new borns. Go to your chemist and ask them. The doctor said he couldnt give you anything becasue he cannot prescibe anything for someone that young. Try the chemist.

    She will be fine. My lil one had a cold for 4 weeks when she was 5 months old. We all get colds. Just remember to keep her warm, but not over heat her.

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