
My 4 week old kitten's eye just got cloudy?

by  |  earlier

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ok here goes... I just rescued my kitten Fayth during tropical storm fay I've only had her since tuesday I plan on taking her to the vet very soon cuz i want to make sure everything is ok with her.... when I first brought her home i noticed her eye was a little watery no biggie it happens to animals all the time even human well today I get home and it's watering even more she let me wipe it and everything so i know she's not in pain but I left out for about 2 hrs and I come back and it's cloudy... keep in mind this is a 4 week old abandoned kitten so shes not used to everything im providing her with like kittly litter could that be whats making her eye worst?




  1. Cloudy eyes represents blindness in many animals, though I doubt this is what is occuring in your kitty's eye. She most likely has an infection that can be treated with simple medication and antibiotics or eye drops. You shouldn't be worried, but you should be concerned enough to take her to the veterinarian.;...


  2. it's not the litter but I would have her checked out. She could have an infection. Also being four weeks old she still needs milk so I'm hopping you're giving her bottled milk you can buy the power that you mix at a pet store. She's growing at a crucial time in her life so she really needs proper nutrition. I would take her to the vet and tell them your story, maybe they'll see her for free for the first visit or at least talk to the technician to ask if they'll see her to see if she really needs a visit.

    Good luck and thank you for taking her in to a loving home instead of the other option. =)

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