
My 4 week old son wont sleep without his dummy/pacifier!?

by  |  earlier

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My son has just turned a month old and over the last week or so he wont go to sleep during the day without his dummy. He will breastfeed until he falls asleep, i burp him, if he toilets i change his nappy then il put him on his rocker (i know its bad but its a long way from his room to our lounge so i keep him out here with me), he is usually still asleep but after about a minute of lying down he wakes up and starts crying, i know he isn't hungry even though sometimes he makes feeding movements. I have let him try and cry it out before but he usually doesn't stop. So i give him his dummy and he is usually asleep within 2 or 3 minutes, i take it out of his mouth once he is asleep. At night time (when he is in his bed and it is dark) he hardly ever wakes up after he falls asleep feeding and if he does he will settle himself back to sleep. Why cant he do this during the day? I really don't want to have to try and battle with him at 2 years old to give up his dummy. Is there anything i can do to stop him needing his dummy?




  1. I don't really view this as a problem... babies like their paccies.  If it happens during the day and you're up and awake to give him his paccie, I say give it to him.  From what you said, it doesn't appear to be a problem once he falls asleep a second time.

    I say just be grateful for two big things -- 1) he doesn't keep waking up *repeatedly* because it's not in his mouth... he just wants it once and that's it  2)  he doesn't feel the need to do it at night when you might have to crawl out of bed to give him his pacifier

  2. Give the dummy to your child.

    My two children both sucked on their dummies until they were 18 months of age and then I have gradually let them go of the dummy during sleeping hours. If your baby needs the dummy now, there's no need to refuse it for your baby.

  3. Firstly you should not let a month old baby cry it out they are to young at that age so thats why he doesnt stop !

    Some babies are just suckers mine loves the bloody thing during the day and same at night he will ditch it once asleep or go to sleep with out it ( he is now 18 weeks old) but has done this from day one.  SOmetimes they can make feeding movements and have wind and the baby will think sucking is going to relieve it.

    You dont have to battle when he is 2 but I would recommend you just leave it be then take it away when he is 6 months or so and you can let him cry it our for it as they know whats going on then

    good luck

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