
My 4 week old wont sleep in his bassinet or crib - only his car seat or rocker. Suggestions?

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My 4 week old wont sleep in his bassinet or crib - only his car seat or rocker. Suggestions?




  1. Sounds like he may have gas or reflux.  See, when they lay completely flat, these types of things get worse.  When sitting up a lil, these types of things are easier to deal with.

  2. it most likely because he/she likes how tight it is i would try a swaddling blanket that should help.

  3. Try swaddling your little one real tight.  My daughter loved to be swaddled.  If that doesn't work, continue with the car sear or rocker.  When they are young, it is extremely important for them to get their sleep.  My ped. told me that it didn't matter where or when my little one slept as long as she was sleeping.  However, you will have to break him of this at some point.  But, for now, do what ever works!

  4. put the carseat in the bassinet or crib (if it will fit and obviously make sure its secure). the baby might get used to the room/space where the bassinet is. its worth a try.

  5. At that age it is okay to let your baby sleep in an infant swing as long as it reclines so that his head is not bobbling around.  

  6. Don't have him sleep in the carseat more than necessary.  Obviously, if you are in the car or he fell asleep in the car, it's necessary.  But for other times, get a bouncer chair (they are about $30 new, or $15 used on a site like  Car seats are a very hard plastic, and the babies' heads are malleable at this age.  If you do a search about "flat head" you will see a lot of postings about babies' heads flattening out merely from being on their backs a lot: no reason to make it worse.

    As someone else said, it's probably reflux.  You're lucky if he's not reacting except around sleep-time.  If he's also very fussy during the day, talk to the pediatrician: he may be more comfortable and it may be better for his throat to be on medication to reduce the acidity of his spit-up.  

    You can try elevating the head side of the bassinet or crib to keep him at an angle (roll up a towel and put it under the legs of the bassinet. You'd probably need boards under a crib.)  But there's nothing wrong with letting him sleep in the bouncer or rocker.  

    Do tummy time and put him in a Bjorn or other carrier as much as you can when he's awake to vary his position.  When his digestive system gets more developed, he will transition to a bassinet or crib, probably without a problem.  

    My son had horrible reflux and was on medication for it.  The doctors recommended keeping him at an angle when he slept.  He grew out of it and transitioned without a fuss to the crib by the time he physically was getting too mature for the bouncer chair (even though the weight limits are in the mid-20 pounds, they aren't supposed to be in one once they can sit by themselves).

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