
My 4 year old daughter has a separation problem - I'm really worried?

by Guest56682  |  earlier

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My daughter who just turned 4 in June, never lets me leave her. This has NEVER happened before. It just started happening about 3 months ago. It was so sudden. All of the sudden she's afraid to go anywhere without me. I dropped her off my sister's house (who always takes care of her while I'm at work) and she screamed at the top of her lungs like she was being hurt or something. She wouldn't let go of me. At night, she won't fall asleep unless I'm in the room with her, if I leave she'll SCREAM and cry like she's really scared. She'll say "Mommy you can't go! You can't leave!!" Before, she was just a normal child, she loved going over her friend's houses, she had no problem going to school at all - she actually looked forward to it. She loved when her aunt watched her. Until 3 months ago - now she will not go over any friend's houses. The teachers say she cries a lot at school for me. Her Aunt says she's been acting strange - so it's not just me who notices it. What can I do for her?




  1. maybe she's being someone... you better ask someone touching a place that someone shouldn't be touching her...... that's  one of the signs....... ask  her please...........

  2. Do you have other children...did your child recently start a school program, daycare or anything that changed in the last few months??  At 4 it is typical to have some seperation anxiety maybe bc you have been spending less time together or your routine has changed. just reassure your daughter that you will be back and try to spend some one on one time with her! You could even send a picture of you with her for a little bit then when she misses you she can look at it!!  

    EDIT---Well your daughter is a middle child and she sees that you have to spend alot of time with the youngest one and maybe she is feeling left out I think alone time as often as you can(once a day or  every other day) will help to show your child that you have a lot of people in your life but that she is one of the important ones!!!

  3. My sister had the same exact thing happen at 4.  She cried at Sunday school and I had to stay in the room with her.  She would cry hysterically when my Mom dropped her off at daycare in the morning.  She didnt even want to go to our Aunts or Grandma's house by herself, or stay home with our Dad even.  It just started happening out of the blue when she turned 4.  Now she is 4 and a half and just has gotten alot better with things like that.  We are waiting to see this Fall how she will do with Sunday school and Pre school, we have our fingers crossed.  :)  But there was no apparent reason for any of this, and it seems to just be a phase she was going through.  It could be the same situation with your little girl.  You can consult with your Doctor too,  my Mom did, but they didnt think it was really anything to be concerned about in our case.  Good luck!!

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