I take her to preschool she cries and begs me not to leave her(though when I pick her up, she doesn't want to leave).
She cries about getting dressed, taking baths, going shopping, etc..... I can usually calm her down with those things, but the one that's really hard to calm her down with is that she misses her daddy.
He and split up about 2 -3 years ago and now my daughter and I live about 45 mins to an hr away from her dad. We live with my new fiance(whom she adores!). She still sees her dad on the weekends, but now in the last month or so, she cries for him everyday. Tantrum and screaming yelling for her dad. It breaks my heart and I try to do things with her like go for bike rides, go to the park etc. But nothing satisfies her and she still wants her dad. I'm at my whits end with the tantrums and crying. What can I do to make her feel better?
BTW: Her dad says she throws fits screaming for me when shes over there. Whats causing this? is it anxiety or is she playing us?