
My 4 year old daughter just asked me how babies are made any tips !

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i told her daddy bought mammy a jelly baby and its grows in mammys tummy lol now she thinks theres a baby in her tummy cos she had jelly babies last week




  1. Tell her the truth. You don't need to be really graphic. A simple Mummy and Daddy have s*x and that makes a baby. If she wants more info say Daddy puts his x*x (whatever word you choose) into mummys x*x.

    That is what i will be telling my daughter when she asks. There is no need to lie and make up stupid stories about storks!

  2. haha well ......

    say that you made her yourself by making head,fingers,body,toes,eyes,ears,legs etc out of playdo haha then bake it for 2 minutes? thats wat i got told

  3. tell her that when you get married you become pregnant

  4. Stay as close to the truth as possible. M.

  5. im a nursery nurse and have had that ruddy question many times. The best approach is: that mummy and daddy love eachother and wanted to share that love with a baby. Good luck

  6. I'd be as honest, but as simple, as I could be--and take her lead.

    At four she may be satisfied with "babies are made in a mommie belly--that's why Aunt Sue has such a big belly...theres a baby in there."

    She may be content with that answer.

    Or she then may say, "How did the baby get in her tummy?"

    Then you can say, "Mommies and daddies have to love each other a lot and then they will get a baby."

    Though at 4 it usually doesnt get this far, but if she asks the "how do you get the baby out question...." thats a toughie at this age.

    What I would say is, "Mommies' not sure...all I know is when I had you; I felt your feet kicking me really hard bc you wanted to be born and I went to my doctor.  The doctor said you wanted to meet mommy and before i knew it, I was holding you."  Then tell her some of her baby stories.  I DEF think she's too young to know  about babies being shot out of v****a's. LOL

    But you have to get in the habit of being very honest and very comforable about s*x/reproduction talk from day one with a child (more for you then her.)  I know at 12, 14, 16, 18 you want her to come to you for the "real" information and that starts now.

    If youre squimish at  four, you'll be squimish at 6 and 10...and by then she wont be asking at 12-18.  

  7. Your question has just reminded me of a funny greetings card I saw - a gingerbread mum, with a smaller gingerbread figure and an even smaller ginger bread cutting tool - a load of pastry rolled out, with a small gingerbread man shape cut out and the caption 'Now thats how babies are made'

  8. The truth is always best just don't get all graphic lol I just had to do the same thing with my 5 year old :)  

  9. Heh, I once asked my dad where do tiger babies come from, so he said they lay eggs.

    To be honest I would say the come from Stork's If she has seen Dumbo.

  10. I'm going to reference the movie "Knocked Up" on this one when a young girl asked how babies are made (older than four). The mother asked her how she thought it happened, and after the young girl gave a very creative description, the mother answered "That's exactly right!" At four, your daughter won't remember in a few years what you told her anyway; this is just a spur-of-the-moment question. I'd actually hesitate to tell her something about men and women being in love, as this could give her the assumption that any man and woman in love will have a child. Give a simple answer now--spare the details for when she's older. Good luck! (Besides, if you're waiting to get answers from YA! before saying something to your daughter, chances are she's moved on to something else by now).  

  11. there are books for that age to explain or just tell her the stork brings  babies home.

  12. when my son asked me that question, i said that mummy and daddy love each other so much, that they asked God if they can have a baby, and so it was.  he stopped asking questions and was happy with the answer.


    now he's 5, and he's praying God all the time for a sister. as you know, babies don't come when you want them, now he's angry at God because he doesn't have his baby sister yet....and he says they're not friends!


    if i were you, i'd just stick to the mum & dad love each other so much story....leaving God out of it!

  13. I would just tell her that a baby grows in the mothers uterus until it's ready to be born, then mom goes to the hospital and doctors help get the baby out.

  14. Mommy and Daddy were playing cards and Daddy won and you were the prize!

  15. i told my 5 year old that jesus makes the babies and puts it in the mommys stomach.  

  16. I tell my kids at that age that we had a special cuddle because we loved each other and a baby was made .

  17. I'd save the full information for later.  

    Here's a useful article*x-With-...

  18. Aww! Say, babies are made by 2 people who are very much in love.

  19. My four year old son just recently asked me the same question and I told him that Daddy put a seed inside mummys tummy and he grew inside me and thats how babies are made. I think four is a bit young for a detailed description. Usually a simple explanation is enough for that age group and when she is older you can obviously tell her the truth.

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