
My 4 year old dauughter has been amazing me with her abilities. She was writing her name at the age of 2.?

by Guest57687  |  earlier

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Now at age 4 she can identify all the letter write them and do the ABC's in sign language. She even tried to correct the librarian at story time for not using the scientific term for cacoon. Then told the group of three and four yearolds that it was going threw metamorphysis. But I can not afford preschool and make to much for headstart. My last chance was a preschool through the public school system. They said she was to advanced and that she would be bored. Does anybody know of any programs that can help her. We live in Utah




  1. Are you employed?  Or are you a stay-at-home mom?  If you are at home you could "homeschool" her preschool years...just be sure to get the social experiences in there.

    Public school preschools can NOT say no to your child just because they think she is too advanced.  Preschool focuses  more social-emotional development not really cognitive development.  I'm dissappointed with whatever administration told you no.  You have every right to enroll her.  You'll be surprised to find that she probably won't be bored.  There will be many opportunities for development in a well planned preschool.  

    As for her sounds like she has a parent (s) that has no problem discussing things with her and describing situations and teaching about concepts...that is awesome for her and will benefit her.  Keep up the good work.

  2. If you work, I would try to find a good day care  or preschool where she likes the other children. If you do not work, sometimes churches have Mother's Day Out where she could go to be with other children. You might work with her on the sounds each letter makes since that is what she needs to know to read and also play rhyming games. When you read to her make sure you are pointing to the words!

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