
My 4 year old got a I.Q Score of 98 is that good ?

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I took my child to be tested for special needs because i felt she was not listening to me well and she seemed really hyper active ,after taking this test that her score is 98 and the lady giving the test just didnt explain it well enough to DUMB mommy here so could some one put it in laymyn terms for me . Is my kid smarter then me or is this lady a fruit cake ...Please help




  1. The average IQ for anyone is 100, so I would say yes it is good.

  2. All 4 year-olds are hyperactive, and none listen.  What this test tells you is that the problems you two are having as mother and daughter are not related to any learning/cognitive/communication defecit on your daughter's part.

    The value of IQ testing for pre-literate kids is debatable.  I believe (and it is opinion, not fact) that IQ tests are designed to identify the kids who have a lot of problems, and those that are exceedingly bright.  To have an average score (as your daughter does) doesn't really tell you anything at all about her abilities.  There is no appreciable difference between someone with a 98 IQ and someone with a 104 IQ -- in my opinion.

  3. Your 4-year old sounds normal to me.

    Don't put a lot into I. Q. testing.  it is a lot of hype, but if you must know, your child is quite normal in that area, where 100 is deemed average.

    Some folks like to think too highly of themselves when they score too high on these tests, or feel put down when scoring too far below "normal".

    Enjoy your 4-year old.  I still recall my behavior as a 4-year old, don't know if much has changed, just got older and more gray hair.

  4. the average i.q is 100. so she's just a little behind. but don't worry the i.q. never changes. but that's up until she's 8 years old. depending on how old she is it could be normal. if she's almost 8 and you don't see any differences then it might be time to get her checked out. but if she does well in school leave well enough alone. just because you have a low i.q. doesn't mean she will do bad at school. and if she is hyper active she might have adhd  

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