
My 4 year old got caught playing catch and kiss....what do I do??

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OK so I picked my daughter up from day care yesterday and her teacher pulled me to the side and told me that she'd caught her pinning down a boy to the ground and trying to kiss him - when she asked her why she was doing that she said she didn't know and started to cry. She also mentioned that it's not uncommon for kids to get questionable about that sort of thing, espically if they come from an affectionate household (which we are). I'm just wondering how should I broach the subject with her as I don't want to embarass her and make her feel uncomfortable.




  1. I suggest that you talk with by saying, I love you...and than ask her what it means or if she know what is means? Than tell her that it is what mommys and daddys and brothers and sisters, tell each other. Than ask her How do you show that you love someone? She might say kiss, but than you tell her, but we only kiss mommy and daddy and siblings if their are any. Than ask her who else she can kiss(Aunts uncles grandparents), but make sure she knows that you mean only family!

  2. haha thats cute...even though the teacher didnt think so.

    I guess you have to explain that its ok to show someone you care for them with hugs and words but kissing people who aren't family isn't ok unless you have their permission/that it's something that only grown ups do.

    I've had my fair share of playing catch and kiss. It's normal but kids should be taught how to express their feelings in a proper way.

  3. awww. she probably saw you kiss your significant other and wants to mimic you guys.  This is really common. A lot of times kids don't get 'caught' but she just happened to.  I would sit her down and say that you shouldn't kiss just anybody and that kisses are reserved for mommy and daddy.  Tell her hugs are for her friends.

  4. Sexual herassment! Just tell her to only kiss her family, she just wants to spread the love like a hippy.

  5. My daughter is 6 and she has been doing the same thing since she was 4. First day of kindy, she kissed a boy and I was mortified! She still does it now, not as much but she still chases the boys down and kisses them. I have put it down to the princess movies that she watches and she likes the idea of the boys being her prince. I told her if she wants to chase them thats fine, but most boys don't like kissing and not to push them too far. She will find her prince when she gets older and then she can live happily ever after. Remember, they are only young once. My mum made her her own prince which was the same size as her and looked like Eric from the little mermaid. That helped to. It was just a big polystyrine ball shoved into 2 pairs of white stockings and then stuffed with teddybear stuffing and dressed him like a prince.

    Just tell her that kissing is ok but not all the time. She will grow out of it.

  6. She is four, im sure she doesnt even understand the concept of kissing, she just watches other people do it and copies. Let her be..

  7. My 4 year old son is the class flirt.  He hugs & kisses everyone.  It is a joke at his school that he is Mr. Personality.  He is a cutie pie & knows it.  It is super cute at 4.  You may tell her that hugs are ok & a kiss on the cheek.  It is also a way for the boys & girls to rough house.   My son has a friend & she does that to him sometimes.  I guess the girls see how the boys rough house & that is their way to do the same.

  8. I am 52 years old. I remember a girl chasing me down and holding me down and kissing me when I was in the first grade. Poor little boy must of been rough

  9. lol

  10. Its totally normal! Little ones are hard to predict! lol

  11. tell her that she should not kiss because that proably isnt going to be her husband when she grows up

  12. My daughter did the same thing. It's perfectly normal. Just pull her aside and tell her that it's ok to kiss you and daddy and grandparents, etc, but not other little kids. Tell her that they may not like it. That's what we did, and she didn't do it anymore.

  13. jesus christ she's four!!!!! you prob did the same thing when you were little she is a kid for god sakes they do cute little things like that.  now a bettter question would be why is my three year old smoking crack

  14. If i were you i would laugh it off. I mean who didnt at that age play catch and kiss, isnt this just a normal part of growing up. Why is it only now in this day and age we have to analyse and question the growing up process.

    If i were you i would just be thankful that you have a healthy child growing up who is able to run around and play these games. Seriously i wouldnt be worried

  15. My boys are very affectionate. I am very affectionate too. They tend to mimic what they see at home when they are this young. Now that they are almost 4 years old we have started saying they should ask if someone wants a kiss or a cuddle. This way the other child can say no.

    Personally I think the teacher is being a bit precious. Seriously this is a 4 year old little girl!

    Hope this helps,

    Hugs :-)


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