
My 4 year old is being picked on by school staff?

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My 5 year old complained that she was told to "wee in her pants" I confronted the principle who gave an acceptable answer, my daughter had to wait her turn the cook was letting them out a few at a time to the bathroom before sleeptime.

Since then the cook called my other daughter who is 4 years old "ugly" she cried, I reported it and the cook apologised, the principle said that the cook doesnt understand english well, didnt mean it and would be kept seperated from the kids as her job is cooking.

Tonight the 4 year old comes home and tell me the cook told her she was ugly again and threw her new book (birthday present) on the ground.

I phoned the principle who will look into it tomorrow BUT I AM SO MAD!!!

We changed schools a year and a half ago because another child sexually abused the 4 year old ... she has had a lot of councelling this year and has just "come right" .... what do I do?




  1. i would say go higher up. sents not much has been done with the principle go over him.  I wish you luck

  2. Your children have an absolute right to a safe and comfortable learning environment.  You are doing exactly the right thing by confronting the principal, but if the problem is that severe, you should also request to speak to this "cook."  

    A cook doesn't have any right using any kind of poor language toward your child or any other child.  And you might consider telling the principal that regardless of the cook's language barrier, your child understands the word "ugly" and if the cook doesn't mean it or doesn't know what it means, she had better keep her mouth shut.  As to disrepectful behavior involving your child's personal property, that cook is stepping way over the line.

    Write down names and dates of everytime one of these situations arise.  Ask for names of witnesses of the behavior (ask your daughter if anyone else was with her) and remember to talk to that person as well, if possible talk to them in front of their parents so you have more ears hearing this information.

    If the principal refuses to help by restricting the cooks behavior and contact with the children or by firing her, you have the right to go to the school board with the problem.  The school board might take a long time to do anything, so you also have a right to hire an attorney to represent your family.  There are family action groups who can help you find good legal information and would help you find an attorney who specializes in this type of thing.  Just the threat of something like that should see some action from the school.

    If nothing is done and you are unwilling to deal with the school board, you can either move, request that your children be allowed to go to another school in the area, or you can homeschool your child.

    Your child's well-being is your number one concern.  Good luck.

  3. Find another place for your child to spend the day... whether it be a daycare or pre-school. The 5 year old will be in school soon, but I wouldn't think of keeping the 4 year old in the same environment she's in now.

  4. i think you should go back and confront the school. also talk to the other parents and see if it is happening to their children.

  5. This is totally unacceptable - the principal doesn't sound very competent. You should make a formal complaint to your local authority or ofsted (uk) so that this doesn't happen again to your child or any other children at the school.

  6. I must agree with most, the extremist and NRA enthusiast is going to get you into trouble and leave your children homeless.

    Get your children into another school may be the best option, many of the "private" schools have scholarships and you have to be persitant if you need a change. Your children are VERY IMPRESSIONABLE and everything you do or do not do helps or hinders their growth. I am a single father of 5.

  7. If talking to the principal isn't working maybe it's time to go above their head. Go directly to the school board. That should not be tolerated. They are children being taught to respect their elders but yet they are the ones abusing them. That is considered verbal abuse. I'm sorry to hear that your children are having such a hard time. If this doesn't get fixed soon they may end up hating school and they've just begun. Good luck.

  8. Your the mama  bear and she's your cub.  Hold nothing back,  go to that school and demand answeres and action immediately.  For crying out loud she should be safe.  Where the h**l is her teacher.  Why does the cook have such contact with the children.  All claws out mama, that's your baby

  9. I would go do to that school, and demand that the cook is punished somehow, or kept *completely* away from the kids. Tell them that you will not accept this behavior happening again, and if it happens again, you'll take it up with the superintendent, or whomever is higher up than the principle. Don't back down, your child doesn't deserve this.

  10. change your little girl to another school

  11. First off, there is definitely somthing wrong with this picture. I would go to this school, and demand the cook be FIRED, not kept away, not punished but FIRED!!! That is horrible EsPeCiaLLy because of how your poor daughter has been treated previously, which iam very sorry for. And if they deicide not to to fire her, take it up with the courts. This is Not Right! You are in the right.

  12. look 4 other schools in the area .

  13. Report the school to the Licensing Office at your State  and really start looking for a NORMAL school for your kid.

    Best  to you

    PS.And to be mad at this situation is normal; just  act, don't waste energy

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