
My 4 year old is really hyper....could it be adhd? He is extremely smart and know the ABC's and can #'s to 100

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My child is very hyper. He has been an only child up until 9 months ago and has never been in daycare or around many other children. When he is around other children he pushes and plays very rough. However, he is very smart and knows his ABC's forward and backward, can count to 100 and recognizes all numbers and letters. He can spell a few words(including his name), knows his phone number and where he lives. So afraid that his "rough" behavior could be a sign of something more. He talks excessively and just doesn't stop. He doesn't listen very well. When he is interested in something he keeps attention well, but sometimes his attention span is not very long. Do you think it could be something than just "bad behavior"?




  1. Learning to interact appropriately with other kids does take practice.  Since he hasn't really had much practice, it's much more likely that that's the problem than that he has ADHD.  I'd see about enrolling him in preschool or a group activity like a tumbling class or sing-along, and I'd definitely try to get him a bunch of (well-supervised) playdates.  Make your expectations clear and consistently discipline for overly rough behavior.  Also make sure he's getting a lot of time outdoors and engaged in active play, which is good for all 4-year-olds, including those with ADHD.

    If he still has issues when he's more used to being around other kids, then certainly raise it with your pediatrician, but I wouldn't worry right now.  Some kids also act out when they have a new sibling, so that could be part of the problem, as well.

  2. sounds like a typical 4 year old boy.  He just needs to learn how to treat other kids.  Start to work on that with him.

  3. He sounds like a smart kid, and is obviously active, but I don't think there's much wrong.  A lot of what you're seeing is because he's been an only child for so long.  He hasn't learned any social skills because he hasn't been around other kids, so he doesn't know how to play well.  His knowledge of numbers and letters is probably because you've been home to teach him.  

    You say he was an only child until 9 months ago.  Did you have a baby, or adopt another child?  Your son probably talks a lot to get your attention.  He doesn't get your undivided attention any more, and has to compete with someone else.  Kids get attention by their behaviour, and it sounds like he's getting your attention.

    As he's 4, and will be going to school soon, I think it would be good to put him in daycare for a while, so he gets used to being around other kids.  You also need to talk to him about his behaviour, and give him consequences for his bad behaviour.

  4. He is a 4 year old.

    It is nothing more than his trying to learn his boundaries.

  5. well im 17 and im adhd

    let me tell you..

    just because he's a hyper kid doesnt mean he's adhd

    basically any and every doctor you go to will probably tell you he's adhd. the meds they would put him on would change him.

    you don't necessarily want that.

    just let him be a 4 year old

    its probably a sugar issue anyways. lol

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