
My 4 year old neutered male started spraying

by Guest58808  |  earlier

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My cat was neutered at age 8 weeks. He is an indoor/ outdoor cat.He lives with 3 other cats and they all get along wonderfully. He is the best, most well adjusted, happy, tolerant cat that I have ever met. I just witnessed him spraying out in the garden. This is the first time I have ever witnessed this type of behaviour in him. He is just so good natured. Why would start doing this if he was neutered at such a young age?




  1. cats will still do this as it's a territory thing, if there are other cats around it will warn them whos area they are on, it's perfectly natural and as long as he only does this outside I would not worry.

  2. Cats and dogs will immitate other cats or dogs.  I worked at a vet office/kennel for many years and there were alot of neutered dogs that still "sprayed"  b/c other dogs did it.  It is a territory thing.  He isn't spraying what he would have sprayed if not neutered.  He is just peeing.  The "spray" that is there if he were not neutered would be a worse smell than the actual urine.  He's just fine.

  3. there might be another cat that is spraying and he is showing that its his turf,if he isn't doing it in the house I wouldn't worry but he might move im not sure.....

  4. When I was a vet tech this lady brought her cat in for the same problem. We asked if he had been neutered and she said yes many many years ago. We looked though and he clearly was not neutered.

    Come to find out, she paid for the neuter and when she picked him up he was even groggy she remembers. So basically the vet must have forgotten to neuter that cat! LOL

  5. My cat sprayed too when he was spayed...or was that my other cat...oh c**p! sorry i cant remember if it was my spayed or unspayed cat.

  6. cuz hes gunna DIE in 7 i think u need 2 ask a vet doctor...

    R.I.P kitty that sprays!

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