
My 4-year old son dreams about seeing a little boy's face in our house.?

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He has started having standard dreams about monsters in the closet or under his bed. However, he recently told he (referring to our stairway) that "That is where the little boy's face was." He refuses to go upstairs by himself or even walk past the stairway to go to the kitchen alone. We live in a newly constructed house (09/2007) - built on land purchased from my family farm. Because of the nature of the other dreams and how this one differs, I can't help but wonder if there is a paranormal element to this dream. Our property barely borders the town cemetery. Could there be any connection or show I explore other areas to comfort my son from these images. He is too scared to even talk about it and tell me about the little boy he saw. I am open for any type of advise or thoughts on this to help him sleep at night.




  1. There is no paranormal element to the dream, it is merely a dream. I think that you should make sure your son understands this, and that the face was just something manufactured in his head. Make sure he understands that there is no face on the stairs.

    Yes, it might take awhile and continual reminders. It sounds like you have your own fears and will have to remind yourself of these facts also. Your sons fears will only be fed if you start believing these dreams are real monsters.

  2. That is interesting. My son use to see all sorts of "people" who were wandering the very old cabin we lived in. This was just before he turned 5. After he hit 5, the sightings tapered off. I assumed the tapering off was due to his mind being filled with TV shows and other shows that took away his innocence. I associated the figures he described very well with people that had vacations in the lake-resort cabin throughout the years... And I really don't believe in that stuff, but I had to come up with a reason for it.

    I doubt if this is anything to fear, so learn from it and cherish the moments that your son has an innocent enough of a mind to see what we cannot see.

  3. kids are very aware of the other side as they are totally innocent and pick up on these things

    Unless this little boy is trying to hurt him or torment him then i would say its just a sense he is picking up on and will grow out of it

    The dead cant hurt you ,its the living you should be worried about

    this is someones son who probably passed over and is just curious but if you ask him to leave ,he will

  4. Its hard to say, it could be TV show he watched.  It could have been a reflection. Its very hard to get accurate information from a 4 year old.  Do your best in comforting him.  Maybe some night lights. Its to early to speculate about any paranormal experiences.  More so if he is the only witness to anything.

  5. He probably saw a movie.Since you seem to believe in ghosts.Maybe he overheard you talking.The best thing to do.Tell him there's no monsters under the bed and there are no such things as ghosts.If you're not afraid, chances are he won't be either.

  6. I agree with Robbierob on this need to be very careful that you arent reinforcing his fears.

  7. well, before you move i would buy some sage and burn it all through your home and then if the activity persists, id move

  8. U SHOULD CALL A PARANORMAL INVESTAGATOR OR HAV A PRIEST COME AND BLESS THE HOUSE. im serious. i hav seen stuff like that only the spirits ive seen were all friendly.

  9. please...please be careful that you arent feeding his fears, children are very impressionable.  If necessary, let him sleep with you at night..just for the time being and if you really must know, find  a local town historian and try to find out the history of the land.  Maybe having the house blessed would ease his fears and yours.

  10. It's possible that these are just dreams.  However, it's important to remember that children are dramatically more open to seeing a "world beyond ours."  It's probably nothing.  There are reports of unfriendly poltergeists and of course, there are the reports of those seeing people the way that they died.

    I would strongly suggest talking to your son and letting him know that it's ok to talk about.  This way, you can determine if what he saw was a dream or was something/someone from "beyond."  Chances are, even if from beyond, it's harmless.

    I played with a little boy who lived in my mom's house for years.  As I got older, I realised that people would think I was crazy for mentioning it at all.  That is, until my older sister brought it up some 20 years later.  And then a guest mentioned lights being turned off that they know they left on...

    Communication is going to help you get to the bottom of what the situation really is.  But like I said, chances are, it's nothing.

    Good luck and God bless!

    **Why the @^*!@!^ did I get a thumbs down for this one?***

  11. How can you dismiss the standard monster dreams as a product of a little person's imagination but the other dream gets special credence?

    It seems as if you believe in hauntings but not monsters, so the dreams about monsters are just standard dreams for children while the dream about a human must mean something paranormal is happening.

  12. Move house! That's the only thing that would calm me down if I was him!

  13. very freaky. Get it blessed

  14. I'm trying to think what I would do. I think I would try to keep his mind on a lot of other things. I would also tell kid jokes and try to make him laugh. I'd sing silly songs..especially going up the staircase and on the way to his bedroom . I'd read funny children's stories to him. I'd give him a teddy bear or something like that to sleep with . Put your perfume on his pillow...Maybe give him one of your shirts ..with your perfume on sleep with. Put on some soft , pretty music to let him go to sleep by. Leave a night light on in his bedroom. Get an intercom or baby monitor so that he'll know you're listening for him. Make his bed time as pleasant as possible...something he'll look forward to.  If he keeps on being afraid of this little boy..ask him if he would be afraid of him if he was alive and was his friend. Make the little boy's spirit into a nice, gentle , loving child...Tell him that he is somebody else's little boy and maybe he is lost. (this is only if he keeps on about it). In the meantime..when he's not could get your house blessed and do all those other things you're supposed to do to make spirits go away. Just don't let him think of his home as a scary place!(These are just ideas I had..doesn't mean I'm right!)

  15. its possible that hte house is over an indian burial ground, those people spread like wild fire.

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