
My 4 year old son got me in the leg with a baseball while practicing. How to make it hurt less?

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Now, don't get me wrong, I'm darn proud of this bruise. Its the size of a baseball, on my lower leg, its all purple/brown colored .. oddly the middle of it is normal skin color. Anyhow, it didn't hurt a whole lot when it hit, but its been a few days, and the bruise hurts more than the actual hit.

In the future, if he happens to accidentally throw the ball in the wrong direction, what can I do to prevent this huge bruise from happening?




  1. put ice on it

  2. Drink heavily

  3. keep playin' and it'll be gone soon enuf

  4. Next time put ice on it as soon as possible, this will reduce the duration and severity of the bruise.  Ice it for about 15-20 minutes a couple times a day.

    If it's right on a muscle, keep stretching that area several times a day.  This will keep it from "tightening up" which usually makes the pain worse.  Just get into a routine of stretching out the area, or deep massage to "work out the knot" and then ice again.

    That was either quite a line drive or your kid's got a nice arm!

  5. once my neck was killing me a was crying becouse of the pain when i went to the docter she told me put ice on it for like an hour then masaget a little bit it will be fine after a week or more

  6. Try massaging the bruised area, to get blood circulating a bit more, its natural for the bruise to hurt a few days later, because at the moment of impact the body swells it up for a temporary time, when it starts to bruise you can actually touch it, and you feel like a pinch of nerve pain, its because your blood is clotted underneath the skin and its currently healing, so the body makes it hurt to prevent you from hitting it again.

    And the next time you get hit, you can pretty much know if your going to bruise or swell, immediately put Ice on it to reduce swelling and future bruising, the best would be a bag of cold peas and veggies that you put in your freezer, it works pretty good..

  7. ALEVE

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