
My 4 year old son has a very inquiring mind. He asked me . . .?

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Where do people come from. I explained to him that God made everyone. Then he asked: Where did God come from? (who made him?) What answer should I give him?




  1. You've stepped in it now. That's what happens when you try to feed superstition to a child, one who up 'till now has a logical thought process, believe it or not. Consider telling him the truth in a fashion he can understand, little bites at a time. You stand a better chance of him developing into a normal, healthy person that way.

  2. when i was little i thought god was the moon. But then as i grew up i learned and so on. Just tell him that god isn't human. Because us human tend to think everything is like us they were born from somewhere and we die at some point but tell him its different and so on. Abit hard for a 4 year old to think but just let him think what he wants he will have a laugh abou t*t when he grows up.


  3. Tell him no-one made God he has always been there as he is magic and he made the world and all the little people on the earth.

    My 4 year old daughter asks questions all the time about everything. I don't fob her off but explain it in a fashion that she will understand.

    At the moment we are having problems with death and where things go when they are dead and what does dead mean?

    She wanted a rabbit and me, not thinking it through first, said when the cat and dog have died and we no-longer have them we'll see about getting a rabbit. As soon as we came home off our holiday she held the cat in her arms and said "i'm sorry Gizmo but you are going to have to die so i can have a rabbit" i was totally shocked and i explained to her that when something or some-one dies it means you'll never never see them again and they go to heaven with the angles she didn't seam fazed by it at all until last week when Grandpa's dog died and She asked Grandma " where's Ben"? Grandma replied with the angels to which my daughter replied "and what's he doing up there?" and the conversation went on until her Dad interupted and changed the subject which sometimes this is the best way by not avoiding it altogether but not taking it too far.

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