
My 4 year old son has no interest in learning...ANYTHING at preschool!?

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His preschool teacher just informed me he was behind all the other kids. Is this normal for a 4 yo boy, hes the youngest in the class but still...what should i do?




  1. study with him

  2. have you had his hearing on sight checked? has he reached mile stones ,how is his speech, is he with drawn? do you work with him at home or do you plop him in front of the T.V.? are you a single parent?

  3. Hi..I am a mother of 4 girls and 2 boys, my twins are boy/girl and I can tell you I heard the samething when they were in pre school. You do have to keep an eye on his other skills but all children develop at a different pace, some are eager to learn while others still like to "play" I think my twins had an advanage because of their older brother and sisters. Don't panic if you honestly think there is a problem call his doctor and take him for a visit and see where it goes...:)

  4. It sounds like you need to change preschools! If the teacher's know he is the youngest in the class, why are they comparing him to them? Plus it is up to the teachers to make school more interesting. I'm not interested in learning anything if it's presented in a boring way either.

    I also would give your son the "gift of another year "of preschool.  Sending your child to kindergarten as the youngest in the class will set him up for problems all through his school career. Let him be the oldest- with the advantages that come with being older.

  5. This is very common in young boys, especially if he is younger than all the others in the class.  I have one just like him in my class.  He is the youngest at home and he is the youngest in the class. At playtime outside he plays with the 3 year olds and not his own age.  He has no desire to do what the other kids are doing in my classroom.  All you can do is try small things at home to try to get him on the ball.  If that doesn't work and you don't think he will come around this year.  You might think about holding him back a year.  I don't know where you live or how your school system is done, but I know where we are it is better to hold them back in preschool than in Kindergarten.  In Kindergarten he is with his peers that he will see the rest of his school years.  I have learned that kids can be mean! So if you hold him back in preschool than most likely he will be ready next year and no one will know that he has to repeat preschool.  I would keep the same teacher in preschool if that were an option if you think the teacher would treat him like he was a 'new' kid again and not like he should know what we are doing because he did this last year.

  6. my son wasn't ready fro K at age 5, so we held him out an extra yr - he's in 9th grade now and doing avg+

  7. I would give it awhile. When my son was 3yr and 4yr he seemed not interested in learning. Then once in a while out of the blue he would say something that I was teaching him. Now he is 5 in pre-school and he is one of the smartest kids in the class. He in pre-school cuz his birthday falls in Aug. Where i live the child has to be 5 by July 31 to start kindergarten.

    Good Luck!

  8. Let the kid play. Playing is a great way of learning and the kid won't even realize it, 'cause he'll have fun. Maybe they're not using the right method with your kid.

    Don't stress to much about it! He's only 4. Kids should play!

  9. Did you hear about a preschools becoming full time?

    So many people are starting early education and it is so stupid. Your child is four, let it be a kid. Sure read to it, interact, but don't pressure.

    I didn't want to start learning anything until i was six years old and im getting 92% in my trig and algebra class.

  10. They actually teach things in preschool? Huh, I don't remember anything.  Come to think of it, I didn't really do anything in high school either.

    He'll come around eventually.   Guys have very short attention spans, especially young ones.  It's very normal.

  11. Your boy is normal.

    If you wish him to become neurotic like the other students, push him hard till he's 18.

    I didn't catch up to my peers till I turned 54. The stupid fools now envy me.

    Eccentrics RULE!


  12. hold him back a year.  That's what my parents did with me, I was also the youngest.  Things are great! I love math.  (this is not a joke btw I'm applying to colleges now and I want to be a doctor). hold the kid back and soon, if you wait past 2nd grade it's kinda like.... why?

  13. i guess its normal for kid that age not to be interested in study, but i think you should not let it be that way too, forcing or beating him is definitely not a good idea either, motivate him, 88db website has list of educational products, get the educational toys or games for him, buy for him storybooks and read with him, and let him know if he study well, he'll be rewarded,hope by doing all these will help motivate your son to study

  14. He sounds immature to me and that's not his fault. He's just young for his grade and he isn't ready to settle down and do any formal learning. But, just by being there, he is learning. He is watching the other kids and listening to the teacher and learning. What should you do? First, take him to the pediatrician and ask if he seems to have any developmental problems. If he is physically normal, then I'd read to him at home and help him learn to cut with scissors, paste pictures onto paper, etc. Things he'd be learning in school, but one on one with you. You can do it in short spurts (like 10 minutes at a time) and try to stretch his attention span, which is probably very short which is why he isn't learning at school. As his attention span grows, he will begin to get ready to learn at school. Then, you can register him for another 4 year old class next year (not kindergarten). That is the biggest favor you can do for him. Children who aren't ready to sit and learn should not be forced to go to kindergarten. He probably just needs another year to mature. Many very smart children aren't ready to learn on their 4th birthdays.

  15. Yes, typically the youngest is the farthest behing and the oldest is more advanced.

  16. Send his name into welfare that way when he turns 18 he will already be in the system and he can recieve money right away.

  17. Go to Toys R Us in the learning area and find FUN ways of teaching a 4 year old.  They need to learn WITH FUN.  If he's the youngest one there, give him time.  He's only 4 -- he's still a baby.  Most of the learning really needs to come from HOME first too.  It's our job as parents to teach our children because we can not be 100% SURE what they are getting out there in school.

  18. study with him, don't just leave it up to his teacher.  Read to him at night.  Ask him to help you read to him.

    Interaction is the key, not playstation.

  19. Maybe you need to engage him more. Maybe he's just shy.

    Shy kids can come across as less interested just because they are too shy to speak up.

  20. How do you really judge if a child is behind at that age. Maybe he's so advanced that he's bored with fingerpainting and blocks. Find more intersting and creative ways to teach him.

  21. if he is behind than wait a year and send him back to preschool next year when he is really ready- its better to be ahead than behind

  22. Every child learns at a different rate; Einstein was 5 before he spoke a word!  Sounds like the teacher is frustrated because she has to deal with someone who isn't a "cookie cutter kid."  First you need to find out what exactly he's supposed to be "learning" and then how it's being taught.  At 4 he's more likely to like the sand table or fingerpainting or music (think sandpaper blocks, cymbals, etc. of a homemade band) and should be learning to socialize with other kids; and he certainly should not be having a label placed on him at that tender age of being unteachable.

    If you feel you have some cause for real concern, take him to your pediatrician and ask that his cognitive skills be tested, being careful to explain the situation as to why you want it done.

  23. Don't PANIC!  All kids develop at different paces.  You said he was the youngest in his group.  

    One things at home that will make learning fun.  You obviously care and are a good mom...more than likely he'll come around very soon with your help.

  24. It may be something deeper than just not wanting to learn.. maybe he feels that he's not good enough for his class because he's so far behind (becuase hes younger)

    Try to get him engaged in learning activities outside of school, and try to show to him the importance of learning through any way possible. But if it just doens't come for him to a while, don't stress too much. Just keep encouraging him and make sure he stays out of trouble.

    I was exactly like him until my freshman year in high school, and by the end of the year I was a striaght A advanced placement student. Sometimes it just takes some kids longer to catch on than others.

  25. take him to a doctor, maybe he has some disability,e.g IQ, EQ, hearing, vision, etc,  it is good to find out early.

  26. Wait and see... you might have the next Einstein...

    Geniuses are generally disinterested... Einstein's parents thought he was a dunce until he grew up and revolutionized physics and the way we perceive the universe.

  27. Yes, just try teaching in a nice, fun way! It's normal for him to want to play, and not learn.

  28. Tutor with him for one to six hours, never let him do nothing!

  29. work with him at home.  If by the time he is in Kindergaten he is still behind.....put him in a special resorce.  The government funds the special classes.  He can still go to regular school but he will get extra help where he needs it.  My boys are ADHD and have had special help every year they have been in school.  they are in the 6th grade now.  it helps to keep them at their grad level.

  30. give him some time i mean come on he is only 4 don't presser to much but let him know that school is important

  31. There is nothing wrong with your little boy. It may not look like he is learning anything but children learn a lot simply by playing. When he plays with dolls it will help him to be a good father, when he colors with crayons he is developing his fine motor skills which will help with writing.

    As long as he is happy I wouldn't worry about anything!

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