
My 4 year old son often comes into the bathroom with me and watches me pee. Do I need to make him stop?

by  |  earlier

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I had him watch a few months ago when I was showing him how to to pee standing up, but he still wants to watch. It's no big deal, just wondering what other dads think.




  1. Yeah its being curious but you might want him to could result in him turning g*y if you let him look when he starts to get older.

  2. There's no harm. 1 Your both male that's how most of us guy's learned watching our dad's. 2 most men's restroom are open so he will not be ashamed to go in front of other guy's.  

  3. If you're comfortable with it...fine.  I allowed my son to and he stopped when he lost interest.

  4. Yea, that usually isn't a good habit.

  5. I remember I watched my dad pee when I was like 2 or 3, and I'm a girl. It's really gross thinking about that now, but I think everyone at that age is just curious i guess. ew haha (well i only remember doing it once it wasnt a normal thing lol, but I didn't see anything wrong with it at the time i guess). I think he will stop on his own when he get uncomfortable. Like at that age I was taking baths with my brother and there was nothing wrong in my eyes at the time, but then as we get a little older we get more uncomfortable and we know it's time to stop doing stuff like that.

  6. Hey bud !!!


    Boys will be boys & it's only natural for him 2 be curious at that age.

    If people were more open minded about nudity, there'd be a heck of a lot less rape, idiot & freaks in this world.

    By being open with him NOW will make him become (some day) a better person (man) & less of a freak in the long run.  There's nothing rong with explaining the "rights" from "rongs" 2 him, especially at this young age cause knowledge is everything today.  

    I hope U understand what it is that I'm trying 2 say & good luck.


  7. I think its normal. If ud had said hes 14, then therd be a problem. hes just clinging to you...

  8. normal he is just curious like all boys.

  9. There's nothing wrong with it.

    My brother watches me pee and he's 11. j/k

  10. 69

  11. Its perfectly normal.

    He'll have a closer bond with you as he get older. Don't stop him. When he want to he will. The age doesn't matter. If he's 4, 15, or 100. Your his father and should see nothing wrong with him wanting to see you naked. He'll trust you more and will least likely hide things from you when he becomes a teenager.

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