
My 4 yr old keeps running away...what do i do???

by  |  earlier

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My son is 4 and very switched on, sometimes he acts 16 with things he says. This morning he ran away for the fourth time. The other 3 times is because he has been in trouble and went to find a new house to live in, this time he did it cause he wanted to catch a plane. Two of the times the cops have brought him back, once i found him and once i busted him climbing out his bedroom window. He always packs a bag with some clothes and he always gets a few kms away, not just to next doors house. The first time he got sent to his room and we spoke to him about it told him waht could happen if a bad man found him (but bad men dont know where i am mummy was the reply) and tried to talk rationally about it, we had just had our house flooded and hadnt lived there for 6 weeks this was our first night back and we thought it best to be patient as he had been through a hard time and lost everything he owned, including toys. The second time his father smacked him and he was allowed to go to




  1. put child locks on everything.  and take him to counciling classes. also maybe not as much punnishing and more bonding between the 2 of u

  2. If he keeps doing it, it's not safe, and you need to stop it even if it's by could lock the window in his room, or put a baby monitor in there, or even move him closer to your room, until he grows out of it.

  3. When i was little i would always decided I wanted to run  away bc i would get mad when i got in trouble and decided to run away the reason i stopped allot a times bc I was scared of strangers but it not that your not a good parent it just a kid thing explain that you love him and let him go stay with a family member for a few days then he will want to come home!

  4. Have his bags packed for the next time, and then tell him you even put a snack in it for him. This reverse psychology just might work. Make sure your husband is there to watch the your other child so you can follow him or your husband can to make sure he is safe. I bet he will decide to come back if he thinks you won't miss him.

  5. Sounds like it's not safe to leave him unsupervised.  At all.  

    He hasn't yet learned how & why to keep himself safe when unsupervised.  

    Punishment won't teach him this.  Only his parents or people he trusts to give him good guidance will be able to teach this to him.

  6. Lock everthing before you go to bed and take the kid to conseuling

  7. You need to get him into councling and find out why he is running away, there is always a reason why they do it.  Some will say it is just him being a brat but there is always more to the story with runaways so you need to know the reason in order to help him.  Find a good councler or psychologist to take him too, if you can't find one maybe the pediatrician can give you a referal.  It is needed before he ends up hurt or worse dead.  Some mental illnesses will make them act that way and they don't know why.


    make sure there is no way he can get out of windows and doors.

    if he does decide to run away or you catch him in the act or packing his bag, let him to the consiqences.

    tell him, if u run away, mummy and daddy will get into  a lot of trouble and they wont he very happyyyyyyyand you wont get anymore toys !

    find out why he want to escape so badly...

    is he unhappy?

    is he BORED...

    try setting up some fun activities to do with him !!

    he probably just want to go on a adventure

    try taking him bush walking.

    to the park

    exploring in a public cave

    let him explore some toy shops

    let him have a friend from pre school over for a play date

    take him bike/trycicle riding

    take him to the beach

    take him to the pool

    make a tresure hunt for him

    give him some ingreadients to make a mud cake in the garden

    cook with him... jelly maybe, cake, playdough


    just think of something he would liek to doo??

    but remember to punish him if he does run away !!!!

    good luckk


  9. First and foremost you need to protect your son.  Door/window locks, and alarms would be a good start.  I think that all of us can remember a time as a child when we "ran away", however running away four times is a cause for concern.  Don't expect your four year old to understand your rational talks.  Remember, they feel the world revolves around them and that they are indestructible.  Children will "run away" for many reasons.  To punishes themselves or their families, fear, or to gain attention be it positive or negative.  Your family has certainly been through a very tough time, and a baby on the way may just be too much for your little guy to handle.  Try giving him a little time during the day that is just for the two of you, also a couple of father / son activities a week.  This should make him feel loved, secure and an important member of the family.  Now that your back home establish a routine, this will also make him feel more secure.  Watch him like a hawk, there are too many wacko's out there.  Good luck.

  10. Put locks on everything and keep an eye on him for awhile to see what he does, or take him to a counciling class

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